Chapter 9

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"Why don't you take a nap until dinner?" Nat suggested at the end of your lesson. You were drenched in sweat and sore already. Omegas didn't often get much physical activity. You didn't need to. You were getting plenty now that you were living with the team. That didn't mean you were nearly in as good of shape as any of the team.

Even Tony was more physically fit than you'd expected. You'd seen him working out one day and was surprised by the muscles he had. He'd explained that he needed to be in shape for his work in the lab and to maintain his figure. Which had made you laugh, though he'd had a point. He wasn't a typical Omega. His father had wanted an Alpha to take over the company one day. So he'd tried to force his Omega son to be an Alpha. It had led to Tony being... well... Tony.

You were getting more physically fit, even after only a couple of months with the team, thanks to daily training of some variety. That didn't mean you were fit yet, but you still didn't need a nap after training.

You raised your eyebrow at the suggestion, though quickly realized what it was. No one could come into your apartment without your permission, especially Alphas who smelled too damn good. Nat was giving you an excuse for a reprieve until dinner that night when you would take more suppressants and she'd hopefully have a new ring for you. You didn't want to avoid Loki. You wanted the opposite, but you wanted to be safe too.

You nodded. "I think I'll do that," you agreed and accepted the bottle of water from her before you headed back up to your apartment. You got a shower and changed into clean clothes and headed into your den room. You needed the quiet, safe space to ground yourself and think things through. You'd built a nest of cushions and blankets and decorated it with fairy lights. The rest of the room was dim, leaving your sanctuary a safe place to hide. You curled in the nest, cuddling up with your plushies and comfort toy friends. You had build a bears of the entire team and they were all in your nest with you. And they all smelled like their Avenger since you'd made the team nuzzle and scent them for you.

You relaxed, surrounded by the scent of your found family and dozed off while trying to think over what to do.


You went down to dinner that evening when Jarvis announced that it was ready. You took your Nat-bear with you, cuddling it close as you headed downstairs. No one would be surprised by an Omega carrying a comfort toy. Most of them did whenever they could.

Most of the team was gathering when you stepped out of the elevator into the common room. You smiled as they looked over at you. Wanda beamed and rushed over to you. She was a fifteen year old puppy, rescued from Hydra's experiments, as Bucky had been. She had magic and absolutely adored you. "Meimei!" She called and hugged you around the middle.

You cuddled her close and kissed her hair while she nuzzled close. "Hello, little witch. How was class today?" You asked her gently as you cuddled her and pet her hair. She'd started going to school around the same time as you'd joined the team and had been an adjustment for the puppy.

"It was good. Peter's been really great," she told you. Peter Parker was an unofficial member of the team. Tony was mentoring him and he fought petty crime around the city. He went to the same school as Wanda and the two had become friends. Neither of them had presented their secondary gender yet, though Wanda showed inclinations of being an Alpha. Peter, surprisingly, seemed like he would present as an Omega. Omegas were more rare than the other two castes in the general population. You had more than usual in the tower. Alphas and Betas were split pretty evenly, though there were slightly more Alphas than Betas. There were fewer Omegas than either Alphas or Betas.

"That's good to hear. Learning anything interesting?" You asked her as you went to the table with her. The team was setting the table and setting out dinner as you approached. You moved to help them, but Steve assured you that they had it taken care of. They liked taking care of their Omega.

"Meimei, I got you a new ring," Nat said when she entered and handed the ring over to you. You gratefully took your old ring off and slipped the new one on.

"Thank you so much," you told her and also accepted the suppressant pill that she handed you. You swallowed it quickly, not wanting to take any chances. You were glad you did, because Loki and Thor came in a moment later and, again, Loki's presence and power hit you like a wall the second he was in the same room as you.

Loki was wary of the others, but smiled when he saw you. He also had a smile for Wanda. Neither of you had been part of the team during the battle of New York and were both witches. You weren't surprised that you were the two he wanted to get to know.

He approached you to the growls of the team, which he promptly ignored, and lifted your hand to kiss your knuckles. It was a polite, romantic greeting, but you could sense the dominance and claiming in the gesture as well. He wanted to scent you and claim you, despite not knowing each other yet. Your instincts drove you both, told you both that you'd be a perfect pair and should be mated. "Elskling," he purred in greeting as his lips brushed your knuckles, making you blush as a jolt of pleasure ran through you from his touch.

And your brand new ring shattered, the pieces falling to the floor.

Well, fuck.

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