Chapter 26

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You reappeared in the living room of your apartment. The room had already started dropping in temperature to help you deal with your heat. You were glad you were held so tightly to Loki, as you had to grip onto him to steady yourself. Teleporting was definitely an experience and the world was disoriented when you reappeared. At least you didn't puke on his shoes.

That definitely would have killed the mood.

As soon as you were steady, you leaned up to kiss Loki. Your mind was hazy due to the need you felt, the uncontrollable urge, and the pain that was starting in your abdomen. There was only one thing that would stop that pain. Your body knew what it needed.

Loki gave you one small kiss, his lips brushing yours teasingly, tantalizingly. His hands ran up and down your arms as he gave you those feather-light kisses. Kisses that only sparked your desire, wanting more from your Alpha. Needing more.

You stood up on your toes to try to get that more, to deepen the kiss. You hadn't truly noticed Loki's hands on your arms until they slid down to your wrists, pulling them behind your back and gathering both of them in one hand in a vicelike grip. He held you down, keeping you where he wanted you. You gave him a plaintive mew when you realized that he wasn't going to let you get deeper kisses until he wanted you to have them. "Patience, pet," he purred. "I'll take care of you, but you must have a bit more patience," he promised. You felt his magic wrap around your wrists, holding them behind your back unyieldingly.

The restriction only made you want and need him more, only made you wetter, only made you more desperate.

Loki smirked when he realized it. "We're going to have such fun, pet," he purred. He moved quickly and suddenly you were thrown over his shoulder and he was holding your legs so you couldn't squirm. You yelped in surprise as you were lifted so easily, captured so easily, and held in place on the god's shoulder. He nuzzled your side as he walked to the door of the apartment to make sure it was locked securely. Then he placed his hand on the door. The angle you were at made it hard to see what he was doing, but you caught a glimpse of his magic around his hand as he shielded your apartment, keeping everyone and any kind of surveillance out of your apartment, ensuring your privacy for the duration of your heat. "We do not wish to be interrupted," he explained while he held you and kept you from squirming. You gave him a plaintive, helpless mewl, whining with need.

Loki turned carefully and carried you to your bedroom where he laid you gently on your back on your bed. He kept a grip on your arms and before you could move, they were no longer bound behind your back, but were moved so your wrists were above your head, attached to your headboard with magic.

"Alpha!" You whined, tugging uselessly at your wrists. They weren't going anywhere. You were wearing far too many clothes for Loki to help you and he had already bound your wrists.

"Patience, pet," he purred as he spread your legs to kneel between them. He leaned down then and captured your lips with his. His lips were blessedly cold against your overheated, oversensitive skin. You leaned into the kiss, moaning at the relief that even a kiss was offering you. Your hips lifted, offering yourself to your Alpha.

Loki pulled back after giving you enough kisses to make you breathless. He gripped your shirt gently and carefully pulled the material off of you, somehow getting it off with magic, without hurt the material or you as it came off. Your bra followed it a moment later, both of which were discarded quickly.

He leaned back down to kiss you again. Then began trailing kisses down your body, exploring your skin with his tongue and lips, nipping, sucking, tasting. Your head tilted back, offering your neck to him and his tongue trailed over your collar. He nipped at the spot he would mark when he claimed you, though didn't claim you yet. It wasn't time.

His hands trailed your body while his kisses roamed. You were lost to the pleasure, begging him for more as you writhed, though you couldn't move, pinned as you were under him, your wrists secured to the headboard. He teased your body, playing you like an instrument. He finally made it to your nipples, sucking them to hardness in turn. His fingers tweaked and massaged one while his teeth and tongue worked the other.

He vanished your pants and his hand ran down over your panties where he could feel how soaked they were from your slick, which was freely flowing as he teased and tormented you. "Such a good omega for me," he purred.

You moaned at the feeling of his fingers outside of your core, offering no relief and only adding to your torment of pleasure. "Alpha, please~~" you begged again, desperately needing the relief of your Alpha and his knot.

Loki purred and vanished your panties. He spread your legs further and you felt magic around your ankles, holding them spread as far as Loki liked. You were open and helpless to his whims and desires. He kissed his way down your body, his hands moved under your ass and lifted your hips. He nipped at your thighs, making you cry out in need and pleasure.

Then his tongue. His silver tongue ran along the length of your core, testing, tasting. The cold soothing, yet sparking even more desire as he did. "Yes, such a good pet," he purred and lapped at your core and your juices. He nipped at your clit, his tongue flicking it as he worked you expertly with his tongue, doing things that you hadn't even known possible.

You lost yourself to the pleasure as it grew and grew. Even without his cock, without his knot, he was drawing you closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. His tongue worked you as he held you firmly in place. There was nowhere to go, no escaping the sensation. Your fingers gripped the pillow under your hands and you cried out as the pleasure became unbearable.

"Cum, pet," Loki purred against your most intimate parts when he felt how close you are. His tongue continued its work. His teeth grazed your clit again and he suckled on it.

You cried out again as your vision darkened. Your orgasm crashed over you, your core throbbing as you saw stars and the euphoria swept over you. It seemed to last forever as Loki kept licking and sucking, drawing the orgasm out as long as he could, until you whimpered softly with the overstimulation.

Loki licked your core again before he knelt up, while you were panting, trying to catch your breath, lost in the haze of euphoria. You noticed that his clothes had vanished at some point. His body was perfect, lithe, chiseled, lean. His abs and muscles defined, if not as huge as Thor's. He was also extremely well endowed, as befit a god, and hard for you, for his Omega.

"We have only just begun, my pet," he purred.

Yes, you had a very pleasant heat ahead of you if this first round was any indication. 

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