Chapter 13

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"What in the Nine is that?" Loki hissed, his grip on you firm as he held you to him, looking around for the threat. He had you shielded, tucked next to his side, with his cape over you, hiding you from view. You could feel his heartbeat, even though his armor and you were pressed so close to him that you couldn't help noting how absolutely divine he smelled. You wanted to rub yourself against him, to scent yourself with his Alpha scent.

"It's the mission alarm," Steve replied as the team was gearing up to head out. Loki frowned and Steve continued. "The alarm goes off when there's a situation the team is needed for,"

"A battle, brother! Against the evil Hydra organization!" Thor was far too cheery over the thought of battle. He always was. He was so excited for the prospect of fighting monsters and doing good for the realm. He was a warm ball of excitement and a joy to have around. Even if he could be an overprotective Alpha too.

Tony came in and gestured on his tablet screen and an image of some Hydra creatures that looked like they'd originally been bulls appeared on the walls, footage from the attack. You peeked out from under Loki's cape to see, then wished you hadn't. The blood and violence... Even though you were a stronger Omega than many, the sight of blood and violence, especially when you knew it was real, could turn your stomach. You didn't have a problem seeing blood when you were healing someone, but... this kind.

You turned and hid your face against Loki's side, holding onto him. He shifted his cape to cover you better and hide you from the gruesome images. "It's alright, Elskling," he soothed, though his voice was still a growl. He was still puffed up from the danger and his need to protect you, even though you weren't officially his to protect.

You shifted and there was a tiny gap in Loki's cape covering you where you could see the team's shock at Loki's reaction, at his protective instincts. You saw that both Thor and Nat approved. That made you feel better about the match and about what felt like your inevitable mating. As the day went on, it was seeming more and more sure. You liked everything you saw of Loki so far.

Tony turned off the video once the team had seen what they needed. Steve was already starting to give out the assignments. You wouldn't be going on the mission. You would stay here and heal anyone who got injured when they got back. It was scary in the tower alone, but it was supposed to be secure. There were security guards on the entrance level to keep anyone from getting up to the Avengers' floors.

Steve turned to Loki. "You aren't cleared to go on missions with the team yet-" he started.

Loki growled, clearly offended by those words. "I am a warrior and mage with over a thousand years' of fighting-"

He was cut off by Steve raising his hand for silence. "I'm not saying you're not capable. But we do have procedures. You have to go through a proper evaluation before you can officially join the team," he explained. Loki continued growling softly, but didn't argue any further, especially when he saw Thor nodding in agreement. "So for this mission, your assignment is to stay here and protect Meimei,"

Loki's eyes widened in surprise and you felt yours do the same. You didn't need protection when you would be safe in the tower. Loki puffed up incredulously, especially when he saw that Wanda was in her battle gear as well. "You're letting the puppy go?"

"She's part of the team," Bucky replied with a challenging growl. "And has proven herself with the horrors she's been through and her work with us since then,"

Wanda gave Loki a shy smile. "He's flattering me. They'll keep me out of the way for backup only," she told him, reassuring him that she would be safe and just as useless in this battle as he was.

Loki growled and grumbled, but there was no arguing with the team. They all headed out to the jet to get to the battle, Wanda staying close to Bucky's side. Loki watched after her and you could see the worry in his eyes for the witch-puppy. He wanted to train her and teach her, not let her run off into battle. She was just a puppy.

Nat paused in front of you and Loki, drawing both of your attention. She glared up at the god with absolutely no fear in her eyes. Loki actually started at the intensity of her glare. He was a god. There wasn't much he feared. Mortal betas wouldn't generally be on the list, but Nat was... Nat. And she could be terrifying when she felt like it. "We're trusting you to protect her, Loki," she told him firmly. There was no room for negotiating or arguing in her tone. "If you do anything to hurt or upset her, there will be hell to pay. And if you claim her while we're gone, I will personally rip off your balls and shove them down your throat,"

Loki growled. "Just because I'm an Alpha does not mean that I am not a gentleman or a prince," he snarled at her, offended by her insinuation. You understood why she had made the threat, even if it was rude and uncalled for. You and Loki were clearly called to each other and Nat didn't want either of you making a choice you would regret. She would place the blame firmly on Loki's lap if something happened. He was an Alpha and it was ultimately his responsibility. "I will let no harm come to my Omega,"

His Omega.

Silence fell over the room at those words.

His Omega.

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