Chapter 46

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"Meimei, are you going to come to the registration office with us?" Wanda asked you at the end of dinner in a small voice. Clint and Nat gathered the dishes to wash them, though Nat gave Loki a questioning look and once the dishes were carried out of the dining room he vanished them clean back to their cabinets. He didn't know Aunt May and wasn't comfortable doing magic in front of her, so he did the magic where it could be hidden instead. Nat gave him an extra big portion of dessert for helping her.

No one was above bribing the god for his help and friendship.

You gave Wanda a gentle smile. "I was planning on it, if you want me there," you reassured her. The choice was hers on that matter. Aunt May was going with Peter, of course. Cap would be going with Wanda as her official guardian. Wanda was a minor and officially under the guardianship of the Avengers since she'd been rescued from Hydra. Cap was the leader of the Avengers, so he would go with her as her official guardian. He usually did such things, though sometimes had Tony, depending on the situation.

You understood the reason for her question, though. She was nervous about going. She'd never admit it, but she would feel better with the pack's Omega there to calm her nerves. That was vitally important with Wanda. If her nerves or emotions got the better of her, her magic went out of control.

She nodded eagerly and gave you a hopefully-puppy look. "Please?" She asked, clearly trying to keep the desperation out of her voice. You understood her concern. She didn't like government organizations after her time in Hydra.

You reached over and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Of course I'll come," you reassured her.

"I will escort you," Loki told you in no uncertain terms. He didn't know what this registration entailed and didn't want to risk your safety.

You gave him a reassuring smile. "I expect nothing less." You expected that your mate would be protective and want to come with you. He still viewed Earth as a strange realm and didn't quite trust that it was safe for him, much less safe for you.


You all headed out together. Happy drove your group to the registration office in one of the Avengers' big SUVs. The SUV was big enough for you, Loki, Cap, Wanda, Aunt May and Peter to all fit easily.

"Thank you for the ride, it was really nice of you," Aunt May told Happy yet again as he drove. She sat next to and cuddled Peter, knowing this was overwhelming for the new Omega. "Especially for someone who's just an intern..." Aunt May didn't know that Peter was Spiderman. She thought his internship at Stark Industries was real. No one on the team would spill his secret until he was ready to let other people know and the internship gave him a handy excuse for being out late.

"He's a good kid," Happy replied. Everyone loved Peter, so it was no surprise that even the head of security liked him.

Happy dropped you off at the entrance to the registration office and went to go park the SUV. Wanda kept hold of your hand as you led her inside. Aunt May and Peter were right behind you. You saw Loki watching your surroundings as you headed inside, watching for danger. He was raised in a warrior culture. You expected nothing less from him.

"How may I help you?" The bored worker at the desk asked. Her eyes widened when she saw Cap and recognized who you and Loki were as well.

"We're here to register two puppies who just presented," Cap replied in his most pleasant agreeable tone. He had the act of the perfect team player and diplomat down. It was an act he had to work on a lot. He had crippling social anxiety that he didn't let the public know about. Wanda had shifted to holding onto his hand. There were times she doodled on his hand during interviews when he got nervous. The act made it look like she was the nervous one and helped Steve stay calm. She was doing the same thing now, protecting a member of her pack in the only way she could. "Yes, sir, of course," the worker replied with a blush, clearly affected by Cap.

You, Aunt May, and Cap got the paperwork filled out for Peter and Wanda. New ID pictures were taken. It was all going so smoothly until the moment you'd been dreading.

"Alright, Omega. We just need to get your collar and then we're all done here," the worker said in a tone that was meant to be gentle and reassuring to nervous Omegas. Peter blushed and mumbled something incoherent as he moved closer to his Aunt, as if she could protect him from the law.

You knew there was no escape from the law. The collar around your own neck, much as Loki had changed it with magic to look like a necklace, spoke to you having to follow the law as well.

You knew it and accepted it.

Wanda did not.

In a moment her anger and magic rose at the same time as she glared in rage. "A collar???" She demanded. Despite her years, she displayed the power and authority of a very pissed off Alpha.

Someone was threatening her Omega and she wasn't having it.

Well, fuck.

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