Chapter 47

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"Cap!" You called as you moved to Wanda. You didn't have to say anything to Loki. He was your mate and knew exactly what needed done. Cap nodded and dealt with the civilians. Loki moved in the same moment as you did, moving to Wanda. He instantly created a shield around the three of you that would keep Wanda's wayward magic inside the shield and protect everyone outside of it. You were impressed with how fast and powerful his magic was. You had magic as well, but you'd never be able to create something to keep everyone safe from the raging witching so easily.

Especially not with the amount of power that Wanda had at her disposal.

She could blow you all to kingdom come with a thought, or turn your minds to jelly. Under normal circumstances, she never would, but rage filled her at the moment over the collar on Peter. She wasn't thinking clearly.

So you had to calm the Alpha-pup down.

You went to stand in front of her, even as her rage grew and her magic flared, shimmering red around her. You wouldn't be afraid. You couldn't. She was just an Alpha who needed help. She didn't know how to control her new instincts yet. Especially when it was an Omega she cared about who she thought was in trouble.

/Mate, let Peter into the shield. We'll need him/ you told Loki quickly.

You gave Wanda a gentle smile, trusting that Loki would do what you needed him to. He would keep the civilians safe. He would step in and force her control if she couldn't calm herself. She needed to learn to control her own abilities. Loki would help her, you both would, but she wouldn't grow without learning that control, even when she was upset.

Wanda looked up into your eyes. Hers were glowing red with her power and the malevolence in them... It made you sick to your stomach to see the rage and wrath that Hydra had taught her. "Sweetling, we talked about what would happen," you reminded him gently. You'd talked with both pups on what to expect if they presented as Alpha, Omega, or Beta.

"They're trying to collar him like an animal! He doesn't deserve it!" She snarled, her magic flaring.

You saw Loki's magic in the background, absorbing her excess power, keeping it from exploding and hurting any of you. He would step in if you asked him or if you needed him, but he would let you handle this. It was your job and your calling as an Omega. This little Alpha was in distress.

"I know, sweetling. I know it's unfair," you soothed her, letting your aura surround her.

"Then don't let them!" She cried as her power flared again.

You pulled her into a hug, ignoring the power that could destroy you in a heartbeat. You held her close and stroked her hair. "I wish I could, but we all have to follow the law. This isn't the way to get the law fixed,"

Her power flared again and you caught Peter's aura as he rushed over. "Wand?" He asked and hugged her too.

She mewed and clutched onto him. She nuzzled close and took in his scent and aura. "Pete. They're going to collar you," she whined.

He nodded and hugged onto her. "I know. I don't like either. But it's the law. It'll be alright," he reassured her. "We can work to change the law together. Captain Rogers and Mister Stark will help,"

You let go of Wanda, trusting that her Omega would know the right words to soothe and reassure his Alpha. Peter pulled her more securely in his arms.

"You're sure?" She asked, pulling her magic back and starting to think more clearly.

"Yes, but... will you sit with me while they do it?" You heard the fear in his voice, but you also heard the lie in his tone. No, not heard the lie. Smelled the lie. That was new. But you couldn't focus on that at the moment. Why was Peter lying? He hadn't even said a lie. No, it was just the tone. He was only pretending to be afraid.

So Wanda would take care of him.

He was refocusing the upset Alpha's attention onto taking care of an Omega.

Wanda blinked and focused on Peter and his fear. Her magic faded and her eyes returned to normal. She took Peter's hand. "I'll sit with you," she promised, lending her strength to the Omega.

You and Loki both sighed in relief and Loki dropped his shield. "We'll work together to change the law," Peter promised her as he led her to the back room where the collaring would happen. You and Loki went with them, just to make sure nothing happened again with Wanda's powers.

Cap had managed to calm the staff down. They were used to outbursts of magic from upset puppies. That didn't mean that they expected an outburst as big as the one Wanda had caused, or was capable of causing. The entire room was a mess of papers that had gotten blown around when her powers went out of control, in those moments before Loki's shield had gone up. A couple of the staff looked like they needed new underpants after Wanda's outburst.

Puppies usually didn't have that much power even when they were upset.

Most puppies didn't have magic powered by an infinity stone.

She was going to need careful teaching and guidance to learn to control her powers.  

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