Chapter 6

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It wasn't every time that an Alpha and Omega clicked. You hadn't bonded with any of the Alphas in the tower so far after all. They were lovely and you cared for them deeply, but none of them had triggered the visceral feeling that they were your Alpha. Sometimes, it took time of being around an Alpha for the response to trigger. Sometimes, it happened instantly like those old tales of soulmates.

You'd never felt anything like it. No one had been able to explain the feeling properly. They always insisted that it was like sexual attraction. You would know it when you felt it. But that was like explaining sexual desire to an asexual. You understood the concept of the Alpha who was right for you, but had never felt it before.

You'd began to think it would never happen.

Until now.

Now, the strange new Alpha was calling to you just with his very presence. It was overwhelming how drawn you were to him. You'd never heard it described like this, except for Omegas in heat. But you couldn't be going into heat. You were on suppressants. And Nat made sure you took them every morning so you know you hadn't missed a dose.

It couldn't just be that Loki was powerful. Thor was powerful too and he didn't affect you like this. Thor felt like family, just like the rest of the team. This... this was more. So very much more.

And this was just his scent from across the room. His presence was affecting you this hard without him even trying.

"Meimei?" Nat asked, touching your arm. You'd apparently stopped in your tracks when the elevator doors opened. She and Clint had moved up on either side of you. Neither of them should take on an Alpha if Loki was a danger to you, but you knew they both would in a heartbeat.

Loki and Thor stepped into the room proper. Loki looked around, evaluating everything with calculating eyes as Thor led him into the room. Thor's hand was on Loki's back to lead him in.

You noticed that both of them were dressed for Asgard still, which made sense, since they'd only just come to Earth. Thor was in his armor. Loki was wearing a green tunic with gold embroidery and black pants. He looked like he was going to a medieval court.

Well, he did except for the manacles on his wrists and the thick chain that ran between them.

Loki took in everything in the room with his sharp gaze. You felt his untrusting air, felt how closed off he was. It grew worse when Bucky stood and drew Loki's attention. Another Alpha in the room could be a challenge, especially with an unclaimed Omega (aka you) also in the room.

Loki ignored the threat of the other Alpha, dismissing Bucky, even bound. He glanced over Nat and Clint and his eyes finally settled on you between them. His eyes widened in recognition and you realized that he felt pulled to you as well.

He took a step toward you, seemingly unbidden. He was stopped by Thor's hand on his shoulder. Which drew a possessive growl from Loki's throat.

Nat and Clint moved closer to you, pushing you behind you to protect you from the strange Alpha. They'd both fought Loki during the battle of New York. "Thor? What's going on?" Nat demanded. Despite being a Beta, she would gladly stand up to an Alpha, even Thor and Loki. Something about her changed. She suddenly felt like an Alpha standing in front of you. Though you knew that was impossible. She was a Beta. But now... now she smelled and acted like an Alpha.

Thor turned Loki away from staring at you to face him and reached to undo his manacles. "Father finally allowed Loki out of the cell on Asgard. He had been unjustly imprisoned since the battle," Thor explained as he removed the cuffs on his brother. "Father refused to listen to us when we explained that the entire incident was mind control. Mother finally convinced him to let Loki out of the cell to come here and work for the team. As penance,"

"It is better than being trapped in a cell for the rest of my days for a crime that I did not commit," Loki grumbled, rubbing his wrists when the manacles were off.

Bucky relaxed a little. Loki wasn't hurting anyone, hadn't been in control of his actions during the battle, and was here for penance. That would be alright. Right? Nat and Clint both relaxed as well.

"Loki, these are my friends. Sergeant Barnes, the Winter Soldier, Natasha Romanoff, a shieldmaiden and assassin, Barton you know already. And lastly, the newest member of our team-" Thor started to introduce you all to Loki.

Loki clearly wasn't paying a bit of attention to anything Thor said. He moved away from Thor, moving with a predatory, feline grace. Thor still had the chains in his hands and couldn't stop Loki as he strode over to you. Loki stopped in front of you and looked you over appraisingly. Nat and Clint both shifted, prepared to protect you, to spirit you away if they thought you were in danger.

The only danger you felt yourself in was begging for Loki's knot.

Which was completely unlike you.

You fought that feeling down as you looked up at the Alpha who called to you so strongly. You refused to just beg and submit to him, despite what your instincts said. You were a person first, an Omega second. You would have to get to know each other first. You swore it to yourself.

Loki's smirk only grew at the steel and determination in your eyes. "And who are you, little Omega?" He purred, his voice sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine. His accent was beautiful and like honey. Sexy, dominant, honey. "I don't recall you from last time I was here,"

"I'm y/n, I just joined the team a couple of months ago,"

Loki's eyes lit with interest and he gave that purr-growl that Alphas were so good at, a dominant, possessive sound. He took your hand in his cold one and lifted it to his lips, bowing over your knuckles and kissing them. The gesture was much more romantic coming from Loki than it had been from Thor and you nearly melted on the spot. "A pleasure to meet you, little Omega," you hear the possessive note in his voice. He didn't say it, but he meant 'my little omega'.

He smirked over at Thor. "I like her,"

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