Chapter 20

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"Elskling? Are you going out?" Loki asked when you came into the common room on the day of the press conference. He had looked up from his book automatically when you came into the room, his Omega's presence drawing his attention.

It wasn't hard to tell that you were going out. You were dressed properly for once. Including shoes, which were the bane of your existence most of the time. You generally only wore fuzzy socks on your feet at the most. You were also dressed nicer than the lounge clothes you usually wore around the tower.

You saw the concern in Loki's eyes. He was still grounded to the tower and couldn't go out with you if you were indeed going out. He didn't like the idea of his Omega going out without him. He couldn't truly protest if you were going out alone, at least no more than any Alpha could in relation to an Omega in their pack. He hadn't officially claimed you yet, so he only had so much say over your life. It seemed like only a matter of time.

You nodded to answer his question. "Yes, Talia and I are going out to get our hair and nails done before the press conference tonight," you explained. You'd chosen a buttoned shirt for that reason, so you wouldn't mess up your hair later when you changed into your dress for the event.

Loki considered that, his instincts warring with the knowledge that you were safe with any of the team members. "Lady Natasha will be accompanying you?" He confirmed.

You nodded again and gave him a gentle look as you finally came all the way over to the couch he was sitting on. "Yes. She'll be with me the whole time and she's driving," you placed a hand on Loki's shoulder as you spoke, reassuring him with that bit of physical contact.

Loki stood and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his arms. He nuzzled you, scenting you as he did. It was an Alpha's protective nature driving him to do. It was a way to claim you without the permanent bond, to tell any Alpha you came across that you were under the protection of an Alpha. His scent and physic scent were strong, not that he smelled bad. He smelled amazing, like parchment, mint, magic, and the crispness of a winter's day. But it was more than the physical scent. It was a physic scent as well, a practically magical communication that indicated the physical and mental strength of the Alpha in question. Loki was a god. He was beyond strong and his scenting you would warn any Alpha you came across to stay away from you.

He pressed a kiss to your hair. "Much better, Elskling," he purred softly, relaxing when you were properly scented and smelled like his. You were used to such behavior. When the Alphas on the team were feeling overprotective it made them feel better to scent you as a member of their pack. You knew this was more. This was a claim. It wasn't a permanent claim, but it was a claim nonetheless.

"We'll be alright, Loki," you promised him.

"Be careful," he replied softly.

"She'll be safe with me," Nat promised as she came into the room to meet you. "We'll be back in a couple of hours,"

Loki hesitated, then gave you another nuzzle to make sure you were properly scented before he let you go. "Have fun, Elskling," he said. He was reluctant to let you leave without him to protect you, but he knew you were safe with Nat, and he wouldn't keep you from having a life.

You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "We will!" You told him brightly and headed over to Nat to leave the tower with her.

Loki's hand rose to his cheek where you'd kissed it, a light purple blush to his cheeks, and a shocked look on his face at your bold gesture.

He definitely liked it and you practically heard him purr as you left.


You enjoyed your trip out of the tower with Nat and got your hair, makeup, and nails done for the press conference. The team loved doting on you and spoiling you, so they were eager to make sure you had the very best for any event you had to attend. And you never had to do your own hair or makeup. Not a single Alpha dared cause any trouble, despite you not being claimed, thanks to Loki's scent surrounding you.

You made it back to the tower and reassured Loki that you were home safely before you headed up to your apartment to get dressed. Nat had brought her dress for the evening to your apartment as well, so you could get ready together. "Are you sure Loki's going to like it?" You asked her shyly as she zipped up the back of your evening gown for you. There was no denying that you liked Loki, liked, liked him.

"He'll love it, Meimei," Nat promised warmly.

The gown was gorgeous. It was mostly black, but when the light hit it, the top layer shimmered green. It was tasteful, not too revealing as was proper for an Omega, but fit to you, making you look amazing. Your jewelry was tasteful. Necklaces weren't popular for Omegas, because of the collar you had to wear, but you had a simple gold bracelet and gold drop earrings.

Nat helped you with the finishing touches and to put on your heels. She was wearing a black and red gown for the evening and looked fantastic as always. You felt inadequate next to her. "You look amazing. He won't be able to take his eyes off of you," she promised.

You thanked her for her kind words, and nervously headed down to the common room with her to meet up with the boys. They insisted on being inspected before the press conference to make sure they were presentable. Apparently, it was necessary when Thor was concerned as he wasn't used to Midgardian attire.

You stepped out of the elevator and the boys all turned to you and Nat. They all had appreciative looks on their faces and gave the expected compliments.

You scanned the room and easily caught sight of Loki. He was standing a bit apart from the others, dressed in an all black suit, with black tie, and black dress shirt. It could only be described as a black suit of sexiness. You watched as his eyes caught on you, as he looked over you and your outfit. You saw the appraisal in his expression and waited with bated breath for his verdict.

His appraisal turned to approval and what you read as lust in his eyes.

Nat was right. He couldn't take his eyes off of you.

He strode over to you with his usual feline grace and took your hand, bowing over it and kissing your knuckles in a romantic, princely gesture. "My lady, you look absolutely radiant this evening," he purred, making your heart flutter as your breath hitched.

"Thank you, Alpha," you managed to finally reply when you found your words again. It was the proper response, but you could tell that Loki heard the distinction in the words, the word you left unsaid. He heard what you didn't say and absolutely loved it.

While you had said 'thank you, alpha' aloud, what you had really said, even without the missing word was 'thank you my alpha' and that made all the difference. 

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