Chapter 43

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Fuck. Shit. Damn.

Not only was Wanda presenting. She was presenting in the worst possible way, suddenly, unexpectedly, because of a new Omega, and in front of the entire team. And she had just challenged a room full of Alphas. The team was generally pretty forgiving, especially for the puppies acting like puppies. But Wanda had gone too far this time. It didn't make it any better that she had enough raw power to destroy a city block, including most, if not all, of the Avengers in the tower.

You had to do something fast before things spiraled out of control.

Things were already spiraling out of control. The Alphas all had their hackles raised, their anger rising automatically at being challenged by a puppy. Wanda's pheromones were all over the place and you could practically feel the heat radiating off of her as her presentation started too fast and too suddenly.

You had to do something. This was the exact kind of thing that was the reason the team had an Omega on staff. It was why all large companies did. This was your exact skill set, though you hated standing up to the Alphas, it was exactly what you needed to do.

You quickly evaluated the scene, then took charge, letting your calming aura sweep through the room. "Thor, Barton, get Doctor Banner and Cap out of here," you issued the order. You expected Thor to balk at an order from an Omega, but thankfully he didn't. He and Loki were raised differently than the Midgardian Alphas. They respected Omegas' role in society. He was also 1500 years old and could shake off being challenged by a puppy more easily. You didn't want to risk Wanda triggering Bruce into turning into the Hulk and Steve was unpredictable. He had been an Omega before the serum and you still didn't have a good grasp of how Alpha-like he really was.

You needed to get the bombs out of the room before Wanda sparked an explosion. Thor and Clint accepted your order and herded Bruce and Steve to the stairs to get them out of the room.

That was one problem solved. Bucky, Nat, Tony, Aunt May, Wanda, and Peter were all still problems. Peter was overwhelmed and confused and whined softly in Wanda's arms, but you felt his aura. He was trying to calm her and calm the situation. He was just untrained and new to his Omega abilities.

Wanda's cheeks were bright red with fever and she was still holding the shield around herself and Peter, determined to protect the Omega. She was still a puppy, but just barely. Her presentation was hitting hard.

"Wanda, sweetheart, you need to drop the shield and let us take care of Peter," you told her gently, turning all your attention to her. You knew that Loki and Bucky would be able to order the pup properly, but you didn't want to traumatize her. You had to do this gently.

"They're scaring him!" she protested with a whine. She looked up at you with wide, pained, trusting eyes. That actually reassured you more than anything else she could have done.

"I sent them away. They can't scare Peter anymore," you soothed her. "Aunt May and Mr. Stark are going to take care of Peter," you added before she could protest.

Wanda considered that and looked to Stark and Aunt May. Aunt May was related to Peter and Stark was an Omega. You waited while she calculated. She swayed, unsteady on her feet from the fever of presentation. She whined softly, but lowered the shield. "They can take care of him," she replied finally and let Pete go. You nodded to Tony, who came forward and wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders, leading him over to his Aunt.

You pulled Wanda into your arms. "I've got you, sweetheart. We're going to take care of you," you promised. She whined and practically collapsed in your arms.

Loki was there in an instant and had Wanda swept up into his arms. "Shh," he soothed her as he let her cuddle close to his cold. "You'll be alright, witchling." He had a soft spot for the little witch and had taken to training her in how to better control her magic. That was part of why you'd let him stay in the room. Wanda trusted him.

Loki was also over a thousand years old. He could control a puppy or a new Alpha easily. That was also why you'd let Bucky stay. He was a hundred years old, an Alpha, and had been in the same hell of Hydra as Wanda had been.

"Meimei?" Wanda whined and reached for you.

You took her hand and gave her a reassuring smile as you squeezed it. "It's alright, sweetheart. You're presenting. Loki and Bucky will take you up to your room. I'll be up in a minute after I make sure that Peter's alright. Ok?" You asked her gently. She nodded and snuggled in Loki's arms. Now that she knew that Peter was safe, she was succumbing quickly to the discomfort of the presentation.

Loki and Bucky could handle an Alpha-puppy for a few minutes while you checked on Peter. You knew they could. So you let them leave with her to get her comfortable and turned your attention back to the overwhelmed Omega. You summoned a fluffy blanket and wrapped it around him. "You did well, Peter," you reassured him.

He looked up at you with wide eyes, but seemed to relax a little with the fluffy blanket to bundle in. "Well?" He asked, surprised. He didn't think he'd done anything.

You nodded and gave him a warm smile as you led him over to the couch. Aunt May settled on one side of him and cuddled her nephew in his arms. "You instinctively tried to help Wanda calm down. That's what an Omega does for an Alpha," you reminded him. "You'll learn to do it on purpose with time,"

"It's... really ok?" He whined softly.

Aunt May kissed his hair. "There is absolutely no shame in being an Omega," she reassured him.

Tony came over with a wrapped box. "We expected this, kid." He handed the present to Peter. "Happy presentation-day." Peter opened the box to find a few plushies, a fluffy blanket of his own and some other miscellaneous supplies that an Omega would need.

"You... you knew?" He asked.

Tony laughed and ruffled his hair. "Yes, pup, the signs were all there. And I can tell you first hand that there's no shame in being an Omega. And you can still be who you are," he meant Spiderman, but avoided saying it in front of Aunt May. "I manage it,"

Peter relaxed and beamed up at his mentor. "Thank you, Mr. Stark!" He said with his usual brightness.

All would be well in Peter's world.

Especially when Wanda came through her presentation. You had a feeling those two would be an adorable couple soon enough. 

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