Chapter 44

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When you were sure Peter was alright, you left him in Tony's and Aunt May's care. They could comfort and reassure the new Omega perfectly well on their own. You had an Alpha-puppy to care for. You kissed Peter's hair before you headed up to help Wanda.

Wanda, Loki, and Bucky were all in her suite. Bucky was staying near the doorway of her bedroom, staying out of the way, letting Loki take the lead. Loki outranked him in the hierarchy of power. He was a thousand year old god. No one expected anything less. However, you'd wanted Bucky up here in case Wanda reacted better to a human Alpha.

You had entered her suite without knocking. You were expected so you didn't bother. You walked through her sitting room to where Bucky was waiting at her bedroom door. He looked relieved to see you. "How is she?" You asked him and gave him a hug. He looked like he needed it. No one liked seeing the puppies in distress.

"The fever hit her quick. Loki's trying to combat it," Bucky sounded worried. Of course he did. He cared about Wanda. The two of them were together in Hydra and Bucky had taken care of her as best he could.

You nodded against his chest, still hugging him. "The presentation hit fast. It happens sometimes that a new Omega can trigger the presentation in a new Alpha. That's why a lot of kids will take a couple days off school after they transition." It was partly to recover and partly so they wouldn't trigger transitions in other kids. "Is she responding to Loki's presence?" You turned the subject back to Wanda's transition before Bucky got uncomfortable and stepped back out of his arms.

"Yeah. She calmed for him, just like any puppy," Bucky reassured you.

You sighed in relief. "I wasn't sure since he's not from this realm,"

"Anything you need me to do?" Bucky asked you. He wasn't needed here and didn't want to be in the way.

You smiled up at him. You had the perfect task for something useful he could do. "Can you call Professor Xavier and let the school know that Wanda is presenting? Twins often present at the same time, or close to it and her brother is there." It had been decided when Wanda and Pietro were rescued that Wanda was supposed to come to live with the Avengers and would find what she needed here, while Pietro, her twin brother, was supposed to go to Xavier's school for those with powers. The twins hadn't wanted to be separated, but the mutant who had looked into their future was never wrong.

Bucky pulled you close again for a moment and nuzzled your hair. It was typical for an Alpha, for one of your pack, to do to get a bit of comfort. "I can do that," he promised. "You go take care of the puppy." Bucky let you go and went to attend his task (or make Steve do it) and let you enter Wanda's bedroom.

Wanda was on her bed, on top of the covers. You could practically feel the heat radiating off of her from the doorway. That wasn't a good sign. Loki was sitting next to her bed, keeping the puppy calm. You also noticed that one of his hands was blue and on her forehead. He was using his Jotun abilities to try to cool her fever.

Loki looked up at you when you came into the room. "She's worse than the spider child was," he said, worry etched in his furrowed brow.

You nodded and moved closer. "Yes. But she'll be alright with us here," you reassured him. Loki had a soft spot for the witchling. He had taken her under his wing as a student.

You sat on the bed next to Wanda and soothed her and cared for her through her presentation while Loki took care of her fever. Her presentation didn't last nearly as long as Peter's. You weren't surprised. Her presentation had been triggered by Peter's it had come hard and fast.

Her scent changed after a scant hour and her fever broke, leaving Wanda as a new little Alpha.  

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