Chapter 36

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You spent the day catching up with the team and reassuring them that you were alright. A lot of that was spent cuddling Wanda and petting her hair. Clint had to go out on a mission, so you expected to have to heal him when he got back. You weren't wrong either. He gave you a cheeky grin when he returned, holding a hand to a bleeding gunshot wound. You jumped to your feet to drag him to the healing room.

Loki growled softly. He still wasn't used to his mate having a job and being part of a pack. He wasn't used to having a mate. You kissed his forehead to soothe him. "It'll be alright, mate," you reassured him. "I'm just going to heal Beta Clint again." You didn't usually use any of the team's titles when you talked about them. They were family, were pack, but you were reassuring Loki that everything was alright. If you reinforced the idea that Clint was a Beta and no threat to Loki's claim to you, then he would be less likely to be so growly about Clint's presence.

Especially when all Clint needed at the moment was healing.

Loki settled at your reassurance and let you drag Clint to the healing room. "Thanks, Meimei," Clint said as you lifted his shirt to see the wound.

"How do you keep getting shot on every mission?" You asked him while you placed a glowing hand against his wound and let your magic wash through him to heal him. The bullet flew out of him, into your hand.

Clint hissed in pain as it did. "Why does it hurt as much going out as it did going in?"

You rolled your eyes. "If I had to get it out the non-magical way, it would hurt at least twice as much coming out as it did going in," you informed him. You were comfortable enough with the team by then to be able to joke with Clint while you were healing him. He was a Beta and a good man. Even if he did get shot all the time. You finished up with his wound and cleaned up so Loki didn't see you covered in blood. He would worry.

You returned to the common room and to Loki's side. "Are you alright, Elskling?" he asked as he looked you over.

"Just fine," you replied. "Though I'd like to sit on the couch and cuddle for a bit," the healing was more draining than you expected, so close to the end of your heat. Loki agreed easily and let you cuddle up with him for as long as you needed, watching tv, chatting with the team, and generally resting.


"Mate?" You asked Loki one morning at breakfast. He seemed to accept that his new name was 'mate'. He didn't complain about it one bit.

He turned to look to you, in tune to his Omega as ever. His first instinct was that something was wrong when you were asking for him, but that relaxed quickly when he saw that you weren't in any danger, weren't upset. "What is it, Elskling?" He asked warmly.

"I have to go out and run a couple of errands. Do you mind coming with me?" You asked. There were things you needed to get from the store and didn't want to go alone. Loki was still kinda on house arrest. He wasn't really trapped in the tower, but he generally didn't leave except for missions. The team didn't really want him to leave unless he was with someone they trusted to keep the god of mischief out of too much trouble.

"Of course I will," he reassured you easily. You could tell he needed a break from being cooped up in the tower all the time. Plus he wanted to keep you company and keep you safe while you were out of the tower. He raised an eyebrow. "Are Omegas not allowed to go out alone on Midgard?" He asked disapprovingly. He hadn't seen you ever go out without an escort, usually Nat.

"No, we can go out alone. I just feel safer with someone else there," you replied. You'd made plenty of trips out alone before you moved into the tower. Now you didn't have to and liked the way your pack made you feel safe. You were also claimed, now, so Alphas shouldn't bother you even if you were alone. Still, you'd feel better going with Loki. He would make sure no one would bother you.

"I would like to see more of Midgard," Loki replied, reassured that you weren't asking him because you had to, but because you wanted to spend time with your mate. With him. Loki was so strong and capable, so quick to defend you, so brimming with magic. But there was a part of him that was so vulnerable, so bruised and battered from his life. And that was the part that couldn't believe he had found his mate, and still couldn't believe that you were together and that you actually wanted him.

It would take time to convince that part of him.

Until then, you would continue to love and reassure him. To give him your strength as an Omega.

Those broken parts would eventually heal. You knew in your heart that they would. 

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