Chapter 25

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"Meimei?" Nat asked one morning when she came into the common room.

You were sitting on your usual couch in the common room enjoying a peaceful morning and a new book. You'd seen Wanda off to school and there weren't any urgent missions, so you could have a quiet morning. You were supposed to be resting in preparation for your upcoming heat and had eaten a hearty breakfast that morning for the same reason. You looked up from your book. "Hmm?" You asked, indicating that she had your attention.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked as she came over. She pressed her cold hands to your cheeks and your forehead. "You're burning up," she informed you, even as you leaned into her touch.

That had everyone turning to look at you.

"It does feel a bit warm in here," you replied. You'd figured that the AC was just a bit off. It happened sometimes even in a building as sophisticated as the tower.

Nat looked concerned. "I think we should get you to your room," she said gently. She glanced to the others in the room. Clint was there, working on a mission report. So was Steve. Nat seemed to be looking for something and you realized at the worry in her eyes. She was afraid of there being an Alpha nearby. Steve was there, but he still hadn't completely adapted to all of his new Alpha instincts. He'd been an Omega before the serum, after all, and it was a big change.

You didn't feel the insistent, unrelenting need. Your scent hadn't changed yet that you noticed. But you recognized that the warmth you were feeling was the first sign of you going into heat. It was called 'heat' for a reason after all.

Nat wanted you safely tucked away in one of the Omega safe rooms before your scent changed, before your heat fully started, before all the Alphas in the tower went stupid.

Unfortunately, you both realized it was too late when Thor, Bucky, and Loki came into the room from the elevator. They'd been down in the training rooms burning off some energy and getting training in. It was definitely an Alpha thing. They were chatting and joking as they all came in. Even Loki had loosened up and was teasing Bucky about something.

They all paused when they stepped into the room. Their nostrils flared and they turned their gaze to you. Apparently, your scent had changed. Omega in heat had a different psychic and physical scent when your heat officially started. You hadn't noticed it, but Alphas always did first.

You paled when all their attention was on you. A spark of fear went through you. It was unreasonable fear, but it was natural when you were vulnerable. You were unmated, unclaimed, and in heat. You watched them all and didn't dare move. You didn't want to provoke them into acting on instinct and not with their big brains.

Nat slowly moved, standing, drawing attention to her instead of to you. She was a Beta, but she would defend you against these Alphas, against the team if that's what it took to keep you safe. "Meimei, go," she told you firmly, though kept her voice soft and calm. She didn't want to antagonize the Alphas any more than your scent already had.

You stood slowly and all three of the Alphas growled. Steve finally looked up from what he was working on and seemed to finally catch your scent as well.

He stood and went to Bucky. "Buck?" He asked, surprised at his mate's reaction. Bucky shook his head and pulled Steve close, nuzzling his mate and gripping him hard for control.

Nat glared at them all and reached for a weapon. "Meimei is going to the Omega room. You're going to let her," she told the boys. They were good Alphas and she knew they wouldn't let their instincts run away with them. It would just take them a moment to think past the instincts and think past the overwhelming scent of an unclaimed Omega in heat.

Loki gestured, throwing a shield up to keep the other Alphas back. He trusted Thor with his life, with your life, but there was only so much trust he could give when the Omega he was courting was in heat and there were other Alphas in the room. Thor, Bucky, Steve, and Clint were all trapped on the other side of that shield.

He strode forward toward you and Nat, moving with his feline predatory grace. "No, she is not," he informed Nat calmly, politely. His eyes were lit with desire and emotion, but he was speaking clearly. He was in control, though you saw the effort it took. Of course he was. He had centuries of being around Omegas in heat and helping them through it. None of them meant as much to him as you did, but he'd said he'd done his duty as an Alpha to them and helped them through.

"Loki..." Nat said warningly, moving to step between you and Loki.

"The Lady and I have an arrangement. One that was agreed upon before any of her symptoms started," he informed her with his typical princely politeness. His voice clearly stated that he was going to get his way no matter what Nat said, but he wouldn't hurt her for the privilege unless it was absolutely necessary.

Nat raised an eyebrow. "What arrangement?" She asked warily. She didn't trust any of the Alphas right now, though the ones on the other side of the shield looked calmer. Loki must've blocked your scent and aura from them.

"I will be caring for her. In her apartment," Loki replied too calmly. The calm was hiding the feral heat beneath his princely exterior. His ability to hold onto his veneer of humanity was eroding quickly. You knew he wouldn't hurt you, but you'd never been around Alphas while you were in heat, especially not one that you were drawn to.

"And she agreed to this?" Nat demanded, overprotective of you as ever. She wasn't asking you, as since your scent had changed, you weren't considered capable of giving informed consent anymore. That was why Loki had asked you a couple of days ago, when you were clearly in your right mind.

Loki inclined his head. "Yes. Jarvis, display the footage," he ordered.

You slipped around Nat, making your way to the Alpha who called to your blood. Nat couldn't stop you, as she had turned to the wall which lit up as a Jarvis screen and showed a recording of your conversation with Loki from the other day. Loki had apparently had the conversation in the common room for a reason. Jarvis could record it for evidence that you'd consented when the team questioned Loki on it.

Nat watched the scene, then turned to you and Loki. You were finding yourself more and more drawn to him, could feel the heat in your core as his Alpha scent overwhelmed you, as the scent of mate overwhelmed you. "Take care of her, Loki," Nat finally said. She accepted your decision from when you'd been coherent enough to make it. She would still be worried, and you didn't doubt she'd find some way to make sure you were safe, but she accepted your decision.

Loki purred as he looked down at you, feral desire for his Omega filling his eyes as he took in your scent. As if you were gift wrapped for him to claim and mate. "Oh, I intend to," he purr-growled.

That growl, that seductive intensity, his Alpha presence all worked together, throwing you completely into your heat. Your need flared and you gave him a small, needy little whine as you took another step toward him. You could feel the wetness between your legs, the slick of an Omega in heat. You needed Loki, needed him desperately before the pain of the need truly started. "Alpha~" you mewled softly, offering yourself to him.

He purred and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, his nostrils flaring at the increased scent, at the aura. You could see the evidence of his desire in how his pants bulged. "Don't fret, little Omega. I'll take care of you," he promised and pulled you into his arms to teleport you up to your apartment where he could help you sate your heat.

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