Chapter 41

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Peter whined softly and cracked his eyes open. You gave him a soft, gentle smile. "Hey Pete. How are you feeling?" You asked him gently as you stroked his hair back from his sweat-soaked brow.

He gave you a weak attempt at a smile. "Is it over?" He asked, still dazed from the fever and the transition. It was always rough on puppies.

"Yes, pup," even though he was through his presentation and in olden times would be considered an adult, but he was still a minor by current laws. So you could get away with calling him a pup. You could tell that would be more soothing at the moment, something familiar. "It's over now. You're an Omega," you told him. He wouldn't be able to recognize his own scent, at least not yet.

Peter paled, then glanced at Loki. Loki had taken a couple of steps back, not wanting to overwhelm the new Omega with his Alpha scent. You knew from experience just how strong his Alpha scent was. It would be intoxicating to the teen.

You looked to Loki. "Can you let the others know that Peter is through his presentation?" You asked. It would be better for Peter if you got Loki out of the room for a bit so he could adjust to the situation.

Loki nodded "Of course, Elskling. Call for me if you need me," he replied carefully. He didn't come any closer, not wanting to upset Peter. A new Omega could be delicate and fragile. Loki didn't want to take the chance. It would be a big change for Peter. You saw it in the teen's eyes.

Loki slipped from the room, leaving you alone with Peter. Peter sat up slowly, still looking a bit dazed and fevered. "W-what's going to happen now?" He asked softly, clearly still processing. "I... I'm supposed to be a superhero!" He whined, as the wrong implications filled his mind.

You pulled him into your arms, holding him tight as you stroked his hair. "Shh, sweetling, everything will be alright," you soothed as you held him and rocked him. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with being an Omega and nothing to be ashamed of,"

"But I can't be a superhero~" he whined.

You laughed and kept petting him. "Nonsense." He looked up at you then, surprised by your laughter, which shook him from his self-pitying misery. "Tony is an Omega and he's a superhero, isn't he?" You reminded Peter. "Dr. Banner is also an Omega. It's not unheard of. You may have to learn to go against some of your instincts in order to be a superhero, but it's not impossible. You're young still, starting your superhero career as the friendly neighborhood Spiderman." Peter nodded along, his eyes wide as he listened to what you had to say. "You have time to learn and grow as a superhero while you're helping out the neighborhood. And you'll have the backing and support of the team,"

"Y-you really think I can do it?" He asked, his voice small and afraid, seeking the approval of someone he looked up to.

You pressed a kiss to his hair. "Without a doubt,"

Peter finally returned the hug, snuggling close and taking comfort from a fellow Omega. He would learn to handle his instincts in time, learn how to use his abilities. You held him and pet his hair, soothing him until he calmed. "Wh-what's going to happen now?" He finally asked again when he was calm. You realized that the poor thing had no idea what happened after he presented. Schools didn't teach anything useful like that. They only taught the basics of what presentation was.

"First, you're going to get a shower and I'm going to air out this room. Loki is telling the team that you made it through your presentation. I'm sure your aunt will be here soon if she hasn't gotten here already. The two of you will go to register your caste," you explained gently. It was a lot to take in all at once. Peter was breathing heavily again. "Shh. Everything's alright. First things's first. You need to get a shower," you told him. One step at a time. You helped him to his feet. "Do you have clean clothes here?"

Peter nodded and pointed to the dresser. "Mr. Stark got me some basics in case I have to spend the night," he said, falling back on familiar things. You nodded and went to the dresser with him to help him pick out clean jeans and a t-shirt. You let him choose his own underthings. You shooed him into the bathroom and opened the windows in the bedroom.

/Everything alright, Elskling?/ Loki asked you telepathically. He didn't usually speak to you that way, but it was a way for him to check on you now without risking throwing Peter into a panic. Luckily, you and Loki both had magic, plus the mating bond, so the telepathy was easy.

/Pete's a bit overwhelmed, but he's calmed down and I convinced him to get a shower while I air out his room/ A new Omega's scent was strong right after the transition, stronger than usual. It would draw any unmated Alpha to them. Which was great in olden times. It wasn't so useful now. So you were trying to get that overwhelming scent out of Pete's room. /How's the team taking the news?/

/They all expected that Peter would be an Omega, based on his personality. Stark is preparing a speech about how Peter will still be a wonderful hero. I tuned it out about a sentence in.../ you couldn't help smiling at that. Loki and Stark still didn't get along very well, though Tony was getting thrown out of the window fewer times now, so that was an improvement.

/Have you heard from his aunt?/

/She's on her way. She'll be here soon. I will let you know when she arrives/

/Thank you, mate/ you purred across the bond. You really did appreciate everything Loki did for you and how he always seemed to know exactly what you needed. You let him feel that love and appreciation, sending the emotions across the bond to him. You felt his love in return and ended the connection to finish your task before Peter got out of the shower.  

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