Chapter 40

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One of the puppies was presenting. That was definitely a job for you as the team's Omega. Plus you loved both of the pups dearly and didn't want them to suffer. Presenting wasn't easy, though a necessary part of growing up.

You took a moment to assess the situation. You had Loki at your side. He would support whatever you needed in order to take care of the puppy. There were other team members milling about the room, agitated, upset, and not seeming to know what to do, despite that all of them had been through their own presentation. Then there was the puppy, laying on one of the couches, whining softly.

You rushed over to the puppy. They were your first priority. You knelt beside the couch and looked over the poor puppy. It was Peter who was presenting. He was a whimpering ball of misery on the couch, sweaty, pale, writhing. The presentation was not an easy process.

You wiped his damp hair back away from his face. He managed to blink his eyes open to look at you with a whine. "Meimei?" his voice sounded like a kicked puppy, so weak and hurting.

You gave him a warm, gentle smile and pet his hair. "I'm here, Pete. Don't worry," you soothed.

"It hurts~" he whined. His eyes pleaded with you to understand, to help him.

You let your soothing aura wrap around him. "I know. You're presenting, Pete. This is normal," you soothed him. You looked up at Loki, thinking quickly about what you needed and in what order. You had to help Peter get through the transition, whether he came through as an Alpha, Beta, or Omega, you would help him through.

None of the team liked the puppy being in pain, though. You saw Bruce slip from the room, he couldn't handle the sound of the puppy whining, not and keep control of the Hulk. There was a reason that he couldn't be the team's Omega and that was a large part of it. The others were standing around unsure. Which was rather useless of them. It was like they'd never seen a presentation before. You knew they had at least all been through their own.

"I never presented, Meimei," Nat admitted as she approached cautiously. "None of the girls in the red room did. That's how we can all masquerade as any caste." You had wondered why you could never really tell what rank she was. She was registered as a Beta, but that wasn't always accurate. Sometimes she felt like an Alpha, sometimes she felt like an Omega. "I don't know how to help him." Nat knew everything, but even she had her limits.

You looked between her and Loki. "Get everyone out of here. Especially Steve, Thor, and Bucky." If Peter presented as an Omega, it wouldn't be safe for him around an unmated Alpha, not until his pheromones settled down a bit. You trusted all the Alphas to not be stupid and to think with their big brains, but that didn't mean that you were taking any chances. Steve and Bucky were mated to each other, but you didn't know if that mating was strong enough, not with the fact that the mating bond had been created when Steve was an Omega before the serum.

"Everyone?" Loki asked and you heard the real question in his words: was he allowed to stay and help. He liked the spider-puppy and wanted to help him if he could. You also knew that Loki would have balked if anyone else had given him orders. Even Thor. Especially Thor. You only got away with it because you were his mate.

"You and Nat can stay. We also need Stark up here," you told Loki as you returned your attention to Peter. Loki was a strong Alpha and would be able to reign in Peter if he presented as an Alpha. Nat was technically a Beta and was no threat.

"What do we need Stark for? You're an Omega," Nat asked the question while Loki got to shoving everyone else out of the room.

"We need him to tell Peter's Aunt what's going on. She'll be worried." Peter's Aunt didn't know that Peter was Spiderman. She thought he was interning for Stark Industries. She really would be worried that he was presenting somewhere away from home. At least he was somewhere safe.

"I'll talk to Stark. You two take care of Peter," Nat agreed and headed down to the lab to find Stark.

Loki returned to your side. "What do you need?" He offered his service without question.

"Pete has a bedroom here," it was just in case missions ran over or he was too injured to go home. "We need to get him there. It'll be quieter there." It was also easier to keep everyone out until the presentation was over if Peter was in his own room.

Loki nodded his understanding and easily swept the teen up into his arms. He was a mated Alpha, so he would be no threat to the puppy, especially since he liked the puppy and would never hurt Peter. You led Loki up to Peter's room. The pup cuddled close to Loki's cool skin. Poor thing was probably delirious with fever.

You got Peter to his bed and worked with Loki to keep him comfortable while his body went through the presentation changes. It wasn't easy. It was long hours of fever and pain as his hormones shifted, natural abilities, psychic scent, everything about him all had to change from puppy to adult in a matter of hours. You soothed him and made him drink sips of water, you and Loki telling him stories to pass the time.

After long hours, the fever broke and you and Loki could both smell the change at the same time.

Peter was an Omega. 

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