Chapter 17

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You felt your cheeks redden at his words, at his purring flirtatious tone. It did things to you, practically made you slick. If it hadn't been for your suppressants, you'd be a mewling mess at his feet, begging him for much, much more than either of you were ready for.

Loki seemed to realize by your glazed eyes and red cheeks that he had stepped too far over the flirting line into dangerous territory. He saw you fighting for control and pulled back a bit, pulling his aura back to himself, pulling back his teasing and flirting. He had to get you back on solid ground. "So, Elskling, what shall we find for breakfast?" He asked gently, his voice calm and friendly, not flirtatious, not the Alpha-growly it had been before.

You took a calming breath and accepted the change in topic. "Well... I could cook something..." your cooking skills weren't great. Omegas generally didn't cook. They usually had Alphas or Betas caring for them. Some Omegas were incapable of cooking, but most were simply not given the opportunity.

You weren't reliant on caretakers if you could do for yourself.

That was a common theme with how Omegas were treated. Many ended up bound to Alphas just to have someone to care for them since they didn't know how to care for themselves. You refused to be like that. So you'd learned the absolute basics of how to care for yourself, but that was all you'd been allowed.

Loki still hissed like an affronted cat at the suggestion. "You, cooking?" He demanded, affronted.

"I know how to cook," you replied indignantly. You weren't weak or helpless.

He still look affronted. "But... you shouldn't have to. Omegas are to be cherished and should not have to do such menial tasks," Loki replied. Ah, that's why he was offended at the suggestion. It wasn't that he thought you incapable, but that he thought the task beneath you.

"So... you're going to cook breakfast then?" You asked.

Loki sighed and gave you an apologetic look. "Unfortunately, I cannot..." he said sheepishly.

You tilted your head. "Why not?" Didn't he know how? You could show him how to cook some basic things. All Alphas should know how to fend for themselves.

"It's a quirk of my magic," he explained. At your curious expression, he kept speaking. "I am the master magician of Asgard. I have quite a lot of power. That is not bragging or an exaggeration. Unfortunately, it interferes with my ability to cook. No one quite knows why, but when I try to cook, even the most simple of things, kitchens tend to blow up... The cooks all banished me from the kitchens back home," he whined that last part.

You couldn't help giggling at that. "Poor Lune," you said fondly. He gave you a growl-purr at that. "But that leaves us in a conundrum over what to eat. Unless you want cereal. Otherwise I can make you pancakes,"

Loki lit up in delight. "You know how to make pancakes?" He demanded sounding awed. Loki had said he liked sweets. Apparently, he was downplaying how much. He was adorably lit up with childlike enthusiasm and got to his feet. "Can you make them here or do we go downstairs?" He asked. So much for Omegas not cooking. Apparently, he would make an exception in order to get pancakes.

You laughed and took his hand. "Come on. We'll go downstairs and I'll make you pancakes," you told the god. He was supposed to be scary and the dark prince of Asgard. To you, he was a sweetheart and a perfect gentleman. He practically vibrated in excitement over the prospect of pancakes as you headed downstairs with him. Lokibear was cuddled in your arms. You left Loki in charge of babysitting Lokibear so he didn't get dirty and got to making pancakes.

He watched with interest from a safe distance and told embarrassing stories of Thor while he did.

Soon, you had two plates of pancakes on the table, which Loki had set for you with magic. He even set Lokibear on his own chair. He cared for your comfort toy as much as you did, which was a level of respect most ordinary Alphas didn't have.

No one ever said Loki was normal.

You enjoyed the peaceful meal together and Loki was adorable as he ate his pancakes. He absolutely adored sweets. He did the dishes afterwards, which seemed to alleviate his guilt over making you cook. Then you curled up together on the couch to watch TV and wait for the team to return. Lokibear was cuddled in your arms and Loki's arm was around you carefully. He sighed in contentment, with his Omega curled in his arms where you were safe and happy.

You enjoyed the calm quiet moment with Loki gently stroking your hair. You were used to gentle caresses from the Alphas around you. Physical contact comforted them, especially physical contact with an Omega. That was part of your job in the tower.

"I haven't felt like this in centuries," Loki growl-purred as you cuddled together on the couch.

You looked up at him with a gentle smile. You liked the expression on his face. His emerald eyes were gentle, calm and relaxed, with no hint of darkness or pain in them. You knew they usually held that darkness and old pain from things in his past and hurts in his life. He was finally able to let go. "Like what?" you asked him fondly.

"This calm and content. This peaceful," he purred as his fingers ran through your hair. You saw how he was tempted to lean down and kiss your forehead, but he stopped himself, not wanting to press too fast again.

Your calm, peaceful, quiet morning was apparently jinxed by those words, as you both jolted at the sound of breaking glass, followed by the alarms in the tower going off.  

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