Chapter 37

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"Are you ready to go?" You asked Loki. He'd been reading on the couch in the common room and you weren't sure he was ready to leave his book.

He closed his book and vanished it to one of his dimensional pockets and stood from the couch. His movements were elegant and feline as ever. "Of course, Elskling. Just let me tell the oaf that we're leaving. He worries," Loki rolled his eyes, but it was clear that he liked that Thor cared about him enough to worry. Their relationship was rocky, but they were working on it.

You nodded and went to Loki to stand up on your toes and give him a soft kiss. He bent to meet you halfway and purred softly at the gentle kiss. He kissed your forehead as he stood again. "Come with me to find Thor?" He asked, offering you his hand. He liked having his Omega close, which was only natural.

You accepted his hand and gave him a warm smile. "Sure, let's go find Thor," you told him brightly. He smiled and the pair of you went on the quest to find Thor. It wasn't hard, since he was still in his room, getting ready for the morning. Of course, Loki felt it appropriate to just walk into Thor's room, even though he got testy if Thor did the same to him.

Thor whirled to face the two of you when the door to his room opened. He was only wearing jeans, a t-shirt in his hands. You couldn't help but appreciate his muscled form, though you thought that Loki looked better. You stepped closer to Loki and cuddled close, making your preference clear, which helped your Alpha relax. "Brother?" Thor asked at the interruption and threw his shirt on quickly.

"My lady and I are leaving the tower. I... wanted to make sure you wouldn't fret when you didn't find us here," Loki explained, a bit shy and unsure. He and Thor were still working on their relationship.

Thor gave his brother his usual warm exuberant smile. "Good, you should get out of the tower," he wanted his brother to have a life and to be happy. "Do you want me to come with you?" You could tell from his tone that he would accept either answer. He wanted Loki happy. Yes, Loki could generally only leave the tower with someone, but you counted as an appropriate escort and that rule was getting more lax as Loki proved himself in missions anyway.

"We will be alright on our own," Loki replied fondly. "But I will be sure to call you if I need you,"

Thor beamed, that was a big concession coming from Loki. "Then have fun, brother, sister," he told Loki and you. You were officially adopted by Thor as his sister since you were mated to Loki.

Loki inclined his head, acknowledging Thor's words and acceptance. "Thank you," he said softly. You squeezed his hand and the pair of you said goodbye to Thor before you left his room.

You headed back to the elevator with Loki, your hand in his automatically. You looked up at him sheepishly after you'd stepped back into the elevator. "Unfortunately, we'll have to walk. It's not far to the stores," you told him, hoping that wouldn't upset him.

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it customary to drive to shops on Midgard?" He asked. He was still learning Midgardian customs.

You blushed and looked down "Generally, but Omegas aren't really allowed to drive," you explained sheepishly. It was one of the stupid rules of your world. You knew that you were perfectly capable of driving, and there were fights to get more rights for Omegas, but those fights were going slowly.

You had a feeling those fights were going to get worse now that the Avengers really understood how few rights Omegas had. Stark had been fighting for years, but he could only do so much as an Omega himself. You needed Alphas to bring the change, but Alphas were disinclined to make those changes since they wanted to protect their Omegas. At least the good Alphas did. The bad Alphas wanted to keep the Omegas under their thumbs. That was where the difficulty getting rights and changes came in.

Loki squeezed your hand reassuringly. "I do not mind walking," he said, though you saw the glint in his eyes. He would be looking into how to get the laws changed as well. He wanted you to be treated like a princess, not a slave. Omegas were to be pampered and doted on in his opinion. And Thor's opinion.

You really wanted to see how Asgard treated their Omegas, since Loki kept telling you how different things were there. Hopefully you would find that out for yourself one day.  

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