Chapter 19

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The rest of the team came into the room from the elevator. All of them were still in their battle gear, except Bruce who was calming down in his suite, as he always did after a mission. They looked at the carnage and where Loki was standing with his arm protectively around you, his cape around you as well. Thor seemed to derive more meaning from that gesture than everyone else was. The team was just glad you seemed unharmed.

They all rushed over to make sure for themselves that their Omega was ok. Loki remained protectively guarding you, but allowed the team to see for themselves that you were uninjured. "W-why did they attack the tower?" You asked them softly, your voice was still shaky, as were you if you were being honest, from the attack. It was unsettling to say the least to have your home attacked and violated.

Bucky gave you an apologetic look and stroked your cheek, which had Loki bristling like an affronted cat. "They either tried to beat us here for an ambush when we were coming back from the mission or they specifically attacked the tower to hurt our Omega," he explained, which drew a growl from Loki as he tightened his grip around your shoulders.

You purred softly and let your aura spread from you to calm the angry, upset Alphas. Bucky and Loki were both prickly Alphas and needed your aura to calm.

Steve moved next to Bucky. "It's a good thing you were here, Loki," he said, surprising the god, who hadn't been wanted earlier that day. But he'd proven himself to the team by keeping you safe. Thor beamed at his brother, proud of him.


Nat stayed with you that night and for the next day while the tower was being repaired. No one was taking any chances with your safety. They all trusted that you were safe with Nat. No one would dare question her ability to keep you safe. Even Loki.

Stark worked with Loki to increase the tower's defenses. Loki strengthened them magically, while Stark worked on the weapons defenses. Surprisingly, the pair worked well together. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, the team evaluated Loki's abilities and personality. They had to give him more than a few lectures about having the share the Omega. He couldn't snarl and snap every time you were talking to, or worse touching, one of the other members of the team, of the pack. They all loved you dearly, but as family. Only Loki wanted to stake a claim.

He was going to have to accept that you were part of a pack and they had a claim to your time and attention too. You knew it was hard for him to accept, but he tried.

You spent your time healing the team after missions, helping Wanda with her schoolwork, played video games with the team, helped Bucky with some of his soul healing.

Most of what you worked on, though, was building your relationship with Loki. He was stuck in the tower except for missions. So you spent quite a lot of time with him. You taught him about Midgard, introduced him to more movies and TV shows, played board games and video games, practiced your magic together. He quickly became your best friend and you were nearly always together. Along with Lokibear who always seemed to be with you on your adventures around the tower.

Loki usually stayed behind when the team went out on missions. He didn't want you to stay behind unprotected, so he stayed behind to protect you. He also wasn't cleared for missions besides absolute emergencies. You fretted every time he was gone with the team, especially when you had to hide in the safe room while you were alone in the tower.


A couple weeks after Loki moved into the tower, Steve came to find the pair of you where you were curled up on the couch in the common room together watching a movie. You paused the movie and looked up when he came into the room. Loki stiffened a little, still a bit unsure around the team, though he was opening up some. "Captain Rogers," Loki greeted politely.

"Loki," he replied. Steve was still adjusting to being an Alpha. He took charge well enough on missions, but day to day stuff... He was just a normal guy, or so he liked to think. "You're cleared to join the team officially," he, Stark, and Thor had been working PR with SHIELD and Fury to make sure there weren't going to be any problems about Loki joining, which it why it had taken longer than usual. "We're going to have a press conference tomorrow night to make the formal announcement,"

Loki inclined his head regally. "Thank you," he said politely. Steve left you two be with that and Loki turned to you when he was gone. He wouldn't admit it in front of Steve, but he had questions. "What will this press conference entail?" He asked you. He knew that you wouldn't steer him wrong, not when he was asking a legitimate question. He opened up to you more than anyone else on the team.

"Just Steve and maybe Thor announcing to the public that you're a member of the Avengers now," you replied. "There will be a party afterwards with drinks and socializing,"

Loki wrinkled his nose. "Socializing with gossiping Midgardians?" He didn't sound pleased by that.

"Don't worry, I'll be there too," you reassured him. "I'll protect you from the curious humans and the women throwing themselves at you," you teased, lightening the mood with jokes.

Loki pressed a kiss to your hair. He was actually relieved that you would be there, even if he would kill every Alpha in attendance who dared look at his Omega. It would still be easier on him for you to be by his side. You'd be there for the whole team, of course, but that included Loki. "Thank the Norns for that, Elskling,"

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