Chapter 24

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You went down to breakfast the next morning, still in your pajamas. The tower was your home, so you felt perfectly safe and comfortable doing so. Lokibear remained in your arms, cuddled close and safely as you headed downstairs. When you made it to the common room, you sat Clint making pancakes in the kitchen and Nat was cooking sausage. Both of them turned to you when you came into the room.

Nat gave you a warm smile. "Good morning, Meimei. Did you sleep alright?" She asked.

You went to hug her. "I did," you said and couldn't help the heat that rose to your cheeks. You'd fallen asleep dreaming of that kiss with Loki.

Nat saw your expression and raised her eyebrow. "What's that dreamy look for?" She asked.

You shook your head. "Nothing," you said too quickly.

Clint chuckled. "Or a goodnight kiss from a smitten Alpha?" He asked far too knowingly.

You paled, your eyes widening. "How-?" You asked softly. You knew he and Nat were spies, but your floor, your apartment, were supposed to be secure and you had been promised your privacy. If you didn't have that...

Nat laughed. "Loki's intentions with walking you back to your apartment were pretty obvious,"

"Educated guess," Clint agreed.

The pair of them proceeded to grill you about your kiss with Loki. You blushed and stuttered over it, but enjoyed telling them how amazing it had been. You kept glancing at the door as you spoke, not wanting to be overheard by Loki. You really shouldn't be kissing and telling, but Nat was family and Clint was Nat's family. So really, you had no choice.

Loki eventually came down to breakfast as you were setting the table. You gave him a bright smile. "Morning!" You told him and bounced over to him to steal a kiss. You had to stand up on your toes to have a hope at reaching his lips, but you managed. He'd kissed you last night. It was only fair that you steal a kiss now. He was startled at your sudden kiss, especially in front of the others, but he relaxed and reciprocated the chaste gentle greeting kiss.

"A good morning indeed, Elskling," he purred and stroked your cheek when the kiss broke.

You sat next to him at breakfast that morning while he devoured his weight in pancakes. He absolutely loved the Midgardian food and Clint had to make double just because of Loki. He was absolutely adorable and no one got in the way of him getting his pancakes. Thor tried once because he was an oaf and got his hand stabbed with a fork for his efforts.


You spent the next few days with Loki and Nat both working on your hand to hand combat skills. They had both seen you with the Alpha who had assaulted you and both of them were proud. That didn't mean you didn't have work to do to improve your skills. You'd never be a true warrior, especially not at Loki's caliber, but they both wanted you to be able to defend yourself well enough to hold off an enemy until a trained warrior could come to your aid.

"Elskling..." Loki started a conversation while you sat on your favorite couch together in the common room after training one day. You could tell by his tone that it wasn't a conversation he wanted to have or one that he was comfortable with. You put your bookmark in your own book and set it aside, looking up and giving him your undivided attention.

The rest of the team was either at work or elsewhere in the tower. You were in a public space, but alone for the time being.

"What is it?" You asked Loki gently when he paused for too long before continuing.

Loki hesitated a moment more before he spoke. "Your heat is due any day," he started.

You nodded. It was a bit embarrassing to talk about your heat, especially with the man you liked so much. It wasn't a comfortable conversation, despite how you had to have it for everyone's safety. "It is," you agreed. You didn't have it down to an exact date, but knew a timeframe it would start within a few days.

"Have you given thought to... how you wish to handle it?" He asked, choosing his words carefully. Things were done differently on Asgard than on Earth. Loki wouldn't push where he wasn't wanted.

"I..." you paused. Suffering a heat alone was... well... suffering. It wasn't an experience that you at all enjoyed, being locked away and tortured by your body. But you hadn't trusted any Alphas enough to help you through it, especially when you were unclaimed, unmated.

Loki nodded understandingly. "I would help you through it, if you wish for me to," he said gently. He wouldn't push, but he would offer. The question was whether you were comfortable enough with him, in your growing relationship to know that this was right, that he was your Alpha and should claim you.

You knew what the answer was and you knew why Loki was asking this of you now. He wanted to have your consent while you were still in the right mind to give it. In a couple of days, you would be so clouded by desire and an unending need that you would say yes to anything that might offer you a bit of relief. So he had to ask while you could give conscious consent.

You hesitated a moment longer, making absolutely sure of your decision. There wouldn't be any going back. It was possible for an Alpha to help an Omega through their heat without claiming them, but you knew that wouldn't be the case here. You and Loki were too drawn to each other. It was like soulmates. And once you gave in completely...

There would be no going back.

You finally nodded, slowly, then looked up into his eyes. "I would appreciate your help," you said softly, carefully, knowing the words to be true. You wanted him to be your Alpha.

"I'll take good care of you," he promised and you knew he was talking about for the rest of your days, not just for the duration of your heat. 

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