Chapter 54

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You kept your grip tight on Loki's arm as you entered the throne room. You had no idea what you were expecting the throne room to be like, but nothing could have prepared you for the golden opulence that awaited you. All eyes turned to you, Loki, and Thor as you entered the golden hall. One of the guards announced the princes and they even announced you as the princes' honored guest Omega from Midgard. It was way more than you'd been expecting.

There were so many people gathered. All of them were wearing such elaborate clothes and colors. If you had to guess, you would have thought they were the nobles of the court. They sure dressed the part of it if they weren't. There were some clear warriors gathered as well, but most looked to be nobility, too well-dressed and too done-up to be anything less. Most were Alphas, as was expected among the warrior culture that was Asgard. Or at least there seemed to be more Alphas than usual, or they had stronger auras that made them feel that way. In such a crowd, it was hard to get the exact number when the auras and psychic presences all melted together.

What was readily apparent was how few Omegas there were. Omegas were always less prevalent than the other castes, but feeling just how few there were in this big gathering was a shock.

In fact, you could only pinpoint one. Her presence and aura were beyond strong and that alone might be clouding the others from your perception. She was seated on the throne with the one-eyed man who was clearly Odin. You had no idea how Odin had landed such a gorgeous and powerful Omega. The dress she wore was golden and shimmered, it complimented her equally golden hair perfectly. Of course, it was the Queen of Asgard who captured your attention. She matched Loki's description well and you could practically feel her love from where you were. No wonder Loki spoke so highly of her.

Even as you were trying to take in all the sights of the throne room, Thor and Loki kept moving, bringing you between them, closer and closer to the throne itself. You didn't realize how close you were getting until you were right at the bottom of the steps that led up to the throne, up to the intimidating figures that sat upon it.

The princes were clearly used to this routine, as they took the measured strides up to the proscribed distance before the throne and, as one, dropped to one knee, their heads bowed. Thor even set Mjolnir on the ground beside him, showing he was unarmed, at least ceremonially.

You, were of course, Midgardian, awkward, and slow, and it took you a moment to follow the boys' example. Warnings of proper behavior on Asgard hadn't been enough for the reactions to be second nature. It was perfectly normal for the boys, since they had to go through this every time they came home. It was so strange to see such strong Alphas on their knees.

There was a part of you that was having very inappropriate thoughts about Loki on his knees in a very different situation. But that was not a thought to have while you were in front of his adopted parents, one of whom you knew for sure could read minds, as she was the one who had taught Loki how to do it.

Thor was the one who spoke. Odin liked him better. So while Loki was generally the strategist for their harebrained schemes, it was often Thor who parroted the words Loki told him to when it came time to get them out of trouble. "Father, we have returned from Midgard," Thor announced formally. It seemed silly to you to have to announce something that was so clearly obvious. The princes were right there in front of Odin. Of course, they had returned home. But protocol had to be followed, no matter how silly it seemed.

"Rise, my sons, Lady Omega," Odin bid you all. The boys rose gracefully, with centuries of experience at making the movement look fluid. Loki helped you to your feet, doting on you as ever. Odin hadn't questioned aloud who you were and why you were on Asgard. He had been told at least enough to get you the invite, but you saw the look in his eye. He wanted the formal announcement made.

Loki wrapped an arm around your waist, protective, proud, and loving. He didn't appear worried, but you felt his tension, felt his nerves. He had to make this announcement, had to draw attention to himself. He was used to being in the shadows on Asgard, to being in Thor's shadow, to being the dark prince.

Just this once, he needed to claim a little light for himself.

You let your calming aura fill him, fill the bond that you shared together. You took strength from each other and Loki had no reason to be nervous about this announcement. It was good news. Loki took a breath and you felt his tension ease. He turned his attention fully to the throne and his eyes lit with warmth as they met his mother's. She would be proud and pleased at the very least, even if Odin wasn't. "Mother, Father," he started. After everything he had been through and all the lies, it spoke to his emotions that he would address Odin as 'father' now. "I have an announcement," he paused a moment, letting the court grow even more silent to hear his words. Though they all had an idea what they would be. Still, your Silvertongued Loki knew how to make a speech when he needed. "After centuries of searching, I have found my Omega, the Omega who completes me. And she has accepted me as her Alpha. I would like to formally introduce Y/N of Midgard, my Omega." You heard the gasp of the crowd, saw the shock in Odin's eye, the pride and love in Frigga's gaze.

But even more than all of that, you heard the growl of dominance, desire, possession in Loki's voice at the end of the announcement. You were his, his love, his heart, his Omega, and Hel would be a mercy to anyone who Challenged him.

You couldn't hide the truth from yourself at how very, very sexy you found that growl.

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