Chapter 5

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Your life was a whirlwind of activity as soon as the team decided that they were hiring you. While Tony set up whatever was necessary to hire you, Cap went over the benefits and salary, which as Beta Ann had indicated, was very generous. The duties weren't onerous either. Yes, you would technically be on call 24/7 for Alpha-related emergencies and healings, but you wouldn't be busy all the time and would have plenty of time for your own endeavors. Room and board was covered and most of your expenses were covered as well, on top of the salary.

It was beyond generous.

After Tony got things settled with Beta Ann, Cap and Nat rode with you in the limo back to the Omega house. They helped you pack the few belongings you could take with you. Most of the things you had technically belonged to the house and would be passed down to the next Omega who moved in. Your clothes, a few books, and the one comfort toy stingy Beta Ann actually allowed you were the only things that were coming with you.

Neither Nat nor Cap looked happy about how few things you actually had of your own. They exchanged a glance and you wondered briefly what they were up to.

It only took one trip for the three of you to get your things up to your new apartment. Cap gave you the key for both the apartment and the Omega room on a little keychain and reassured you that no one else had a physical key and Jarvis would only let someone else in your space in an emergency or with permission.

As soon as you'd put away your things, Stark came up to tech-out your apartment. They hadn't known what you'd be bringing with you. They hadn't expected nothing, but Stark was prepared anyway. You got a brand new Stark-tech cell phone, laptop, and tablet and had a nice TV in both your living room and bedroom before he was done wiring the place.

Nat insisted that you were leaving the tower with her while Stark was working. None of the Alphas complained. Clearly Cap knew what she was up to and trusted you to her care. "Do you know how to drive?" She asked as she led you down to the parking garage.

You shook your head. "I never needed to learn, Beta," you replied politely. You'd only just moved in and everything was going so fast. It was best to be polite.

She gave you a warm smile. "No need to be so polite, Meimei," she told you fondly. You couldn't help smiling at the nickname. It was an old pet name for Omegas that one was particularly fond of. It came from the Mandarin for 'little sister' as well as coming from the 'me' in Omega. The term had grown in popularity. "You can call me 'Nat'. And I'll teach you how to drive. It's a useful skill to have,"

"You think I'll need to?" You asked her, surprised. You'd never needed to before.

Nat grinned. "There are a lot of things you'll learn here that you might not ever need to know. I'll also be teaching you self defense. Just because you're an Omega doesn't mean you can't defend yourself until an Alpha can come help you,"

Your eyes widened in surprise. "You'd do that?" You asked with interest. Almost no one would ever think of allowing an Omega to learn to fight. It wasn't in your nature and it was... unnatural.

And you found that you wanted to learn. It sounded so appealing.

"At least enough to protect yourself until a warrior can come help you. We're in a lot of dangerous situations. It would be cruel not to prepare you," she explained. She led you to an SUV, which you both climbed into. She then went on to explain that when the team went out on interviews or other press conferences, balls, charity events, and such, that you would be expected to go with them.

Apparently, that also meant that you had to have a wardrobe to handle all of those things. So Nat took you on a whirlwind shopping adventure, getting you a wardrobe to accommodate practically anything you could ever imagine having to go to. She also helped you pick out pillows, blankets, and fairy lights to make a den out of.

Dens, or nests, were important to Omegas. You needed a safe space that was comfortable and away from the outside world and influences.

Then came the bookstore and the stuffed animal stores. You got an entire set of Avengers build a bears. Comfort objects were also important to Omegas and it was cruel of the Beta you'd lived with to only allow one per Omega. Your poor old stuffy was falling to pieces. Nat and Cap had both been upset by it, apparently they knew Omegas well enough to know what you needed to be happy and healthy and Nat was making sure you had all of it.

After the whirlwind adventure, Nat left you to set up your den and put all your new things away, promising that Jarvis would call you for dinner.

Your new life was definitely shaping up to be interesting so far.


"Meimei, can you come to the med room? We just got back from a mission and you know how Clint is," Nat asked through Jarvis one afternoon.

You laughed. Clint had a terrible habit of getting shot while he was on missions. "I'll be right there," you promised her and got up from the couch you'd been sitting on, cuddled up with Bucky. You'd been in the tower a few months by then and had gotten comfortable with the team. They'd all accepted you, welcomed you, and were all comforted by your presence. Even Bucky had warmed up to your presence, though was still... dark... around some of the others. He'd taken to you on sight and scent and that hadn't changed. It was helping him warm up to the rest of the team.

You kissed his cheek as you stood. What might've been considered far too forward for a Beta, was perfectly normal and acceptable for an Omega to do. It was a friendly, comforting gesture, especially to an Alpha who you were close with. The Avengers felt more like family than coworkers. They clearly felt it too as all of them had adopted Nat's nickname of 'meimei' for you.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," you promised him.

He gave you a wry smile. "I look forward to it, Meimei. Don't let that bullet magnet work you too hard," he said warmly.

You laughed at that apt description of Clint and headed off to the medical room to heal him. There weren't many people in the tower that day. Stark and Bruce were at work at Stark's company. Nat and Clint had been out on a mission. Steve was busy with something for SHIELD and Thor had gone back home to Asgard for some duties there. So you'd been enjoying a relaxing afternoon on the couch with Bucky, cuddled up watching a movie.

You found Clint and Nat in the medical room. Clint's arm was bleeding and you saw where the bullet had gone through. "Looks like it's just a flesh wound," you told him as you looked it over. "You've gotta stop getting shot, Clint," you teased gently. You made sure the bullet had gone all the way through before you placed a glowing gold hand on the wound and healed it.

"Thanks, Meimei," Clint told you warmly when the wound was healed and ruffled your hair.

"Don't worry, I'll beat him up in the training room to teach him a lesson for getting shot again," Nat reassured you, making all of you laugh.

The three of you headed back to the common room. Nat and Clint were heading to the elevator to go to their rooms to clean up from the mission and you were planning on cuddling back up with Bucky for the rest of your movie. It was comfortable in an Alpha's arms, even if he wasn't your Alpha.

You all paused when the elevator doors opened. You hadn't expected anyone to be home yet. You felt Thor's presence as you looked to the elevator.

But he wasn't alone.

Another figure stepped out of the elevator with him. Tall. Dark raven hair. Striking emerald eyes. Pale skin. Chiseled cheekbones. Thor's brother Loki. The Alpha who had tried to take over Earth under duress of torture and mind control.

His identity wasn't the first thing that hit you.

The first thing that hit you was his caste, his overwhelming presence of Alpha.

You'd never felt anything like it.


You couldn't take your eyes off of him.

Not just any Alpha.

Not just a strong Alpha.

Your Alpha. 

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