Chapter 55

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All of the reactions took just moments, though it felt like an eternity while you were waiting for Loki to finish his speech and waiting for the reactions of his family and the court.

Odin was so shocked. You saw it in his eye. It didn't make sense. He should expect his Alpha sons to present Omegas to him at some point. Was it because you were from Midgard? Were just a lowly mortal? No, that couldn't be it. You saw how the realm looked at you. They practically worshipped you just because you were an Omega. It didn't matter to them where you came from. You were an Omega and due respect just because of that station. You didn't think the court would feel or act that way if the royals didn't approve and encourage such behavior when it came to any Omega.

So that wasn't what was surprising Odin.

Then you caught his nearly imperceptible glance at Thor. Ah, there was his issue. It wasn't with you at all. It was that Loki had found and claimed his Omega before Thor had done the same.

Odin finally spoke again. It felt like forever, but really only a moment had passed. His expression returned to completely unreadable, even to your skilled gaze. "Welcome to Asgard, Lady Omega," he said. It was what he could safely say without showing his disapproval that Loki had found an Omega and Thor hadn't. Thor didn't seem interested in settling down with an Omega, as far as you could tell. Odin would likely have a long wait until Thor chose someone.

It was as Frigga was coming down the stairs to hug and congratulate her son, as the crowd around you roared their congratulations and approval, it was then that you saw the joy in Loki's eyes. Thor stepped aside, letting Loki have this moment all his own. Loki was finally in his own light and not in Thor's shadow.

He had only ever wanted to be Thor's equal, and now the realm was recognizing him as such.

Frigga hugged her son and kissed his cheek. "Congratulations, darling," she told him warmly. You were close enough to hear her words, even over the cheers from the crowd. Which meant that you were close enough to be pulled into a hug from her a moment later. You were shocked to be hugged so suddenly by the queen, but soon you were melted in her arms. She felt like home and so safe and loving and warm. She was the Omega over all Omegas. "Congratulations, dear," Frigga told her as you basked in her presence.

Loki's arm went protectively around you when Frigga let you go. "The Allfather is upset," he commented so only you and Frigga could hear. He didn't let his worry enter his features, performing for the crowd around you.

Frigga inclined her head. "He is worried, darling. He had always planned for Thor to take the throne when he stepped down. Now, if you have an heir first, you may very well usurp Thor's place in the line of succession," Frigga's words were fast, too soft for anyone else to catch, even Thor.

You caught her words and her meaning.

Loki would jump Thor in line to the throne if you got pregnant before Thor found a mate. There always had to be a line of succession...


You might be queen.

How the fuck had that happened???

There was no way that you could be a queen!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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