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Hi guys! If you're triggered by gore/torture, I probably wouldn't read this chapter if I were you. I'll provide a quick summary at the end of this chapter if you want to skip it <3

Evan McNeill was still coughing up water two hours after the man had thrust him into a bathtub for one and a half minutes. He was still bleeding and writhing in pain from the stab wound in his gut, still sobbing over the finger the man had sliced off of his hand.

Now he was choking on his own blood as he struggled to breathe. The man was pushing for information Evan refused to give- even if it cost him his life. He would not betray Thanos in such a manner.

The man who was mercilessly hurting Evan with no sign of remorse showed no sign of stopping. Whoever he was, he was powerful. He hadn't even broken a sweat, even though it had been a full day since he'd grabbed Evan from the street and began asking for Thanos' location again and again.

"You will tell me where he is," the man said again in his American accent. Evan didn't even have enough air to scream when the man clenched his fists, bending Evan's blood to block his airways. "I know what you're thinking- you're thinking you'll die before you give me the things I need," the man chuckled, releasing his hold on Evans insides and letting him breathe again. "But I am a god, and I have blessed you with semi-immortality. Until you give me my information, you'll suffer, undying. Isn't that wonderful?"

"I'll never tell you," Evan panted, tears streaming from his eyes. "Never."

"Oh, Evan," the man laughed. It was a sadistic, horrifying sound. It was clear that he was enjoying this. "You'll crack eventually. They all do."

Evan was unable to answer this time- then again, even if he thought up something else, he'd probably be too weak at this point to say anything. He closed his eyes and took another stab in the gut from the man. It was agonising- so much pain plagued him at once he could hardly see. All he heard was the man's voice- although, Evan wasn't so sure the being in front of him was human at all.

And, if he was, the man had progressed past his own sanity long ago.

* Time Skip *

Percy stabbed Evan in the thigh. Two more days had passed, and the man in front him was almost unrecognisable. Guts spilt from his insides, part of his brain was visible, his lips were blue with the cold, his eyes were gouged out- one of which was hanging from his eyelid, the other's location was unknown- and he didn't have hands anymore. Only his mouth and vocal cords were still completely intact, and that was because Percy had enchanted them to give Percy his information when Evan decided he wanted them to. The chair Evan was tied to was surrounded by blood and chunks of torn flesh. His hair, once blonde, was red and matted with his blood.

"Come on, Evan," Percy cooed. "The suffering can end if you want it to. Just tell me where your boss is, and I'll heal you."

No reply came from Evan, which made Percy stab his other thigh. "You're frustrating me, Evan," he cooed, venom laced in his words. "You don't want me to get frustrated, now, do you?" He ripped out Evan's left lung.

"The Planet Leath," Evan whispered helplessly. "Please leave me alone."

Percy smiled, satisfied, before impaling Evan right through with a sword, lifting the immortality charm and leaving him to die.

Leath. He'd find it. He'd find it if it was the last thing he ever did. After taking a shower to scrub off Evan's blood and sweat, he left the apartment and checked into a hotel a few blocks away as if he hadn't spent three days torturing a mortal to death.

He went back to Evan's apartment a few hours later, which was beginning to reek of blood, sweat and corpse. He wrinkled his nose, but searched the whole place and walked back out two hours later with over twenty seven paper files revolving around Thanos and his most recent attacks. He figured that, if he took what Evan had on extraterrestrial planets, he could figure out where Leath was easily.

In his hotel room, he examined them endlessly. He'd have to figure out where Leath was fast, because it seemed that Thanos only stayed on each planet he struck for two weeks maximum after he wiped out half of their populations. It also looked like he'd only hit Leath four days ago, giving Percy ten days at the most to find it. He sighed inwardly.

Hours passed, and Percy had read the whole file on Leath twice, taking extra care not to stumble over any words. He knew where it was, but the real question was how he was going to get there. There, apparently, was no sources of water or oxygen, making it physically impossible for and Earth-dwelling creatures who depended on said elements to live there. It also meant that Percy would have to rely completely on his instincts and powers that came with being a god of loyalty and battle technique alone. He bit his lip before deciding he'd leave for there tomorrow. It was a long journey; over 3,000 light years. He knew it would be tiring, and would take a few days- maybe four or five. But if it meant finding Thanos and avenging Loki, he'd do anything.

He closed his eyes, but found that every time he did so, all he could see was Evan McNeill's mutilated corpse staring back at him. He didn't sleep that night.

Less Graphic Summary:

Percy tortures Evan McNeill for three days straight, until he eventually gives in and tells Percy the last location Thanos attacked: the undiscovered exoplanet Leath. Percy, satisfied, kills Evan and takes his files on Thanos before reading them and discovering that Leath is a long way away, and it'll take a while to get there. He's gonna leave in the morning.

Also I made a new cover

I'm concerned for my own mental well-being after proof-reading this ngl

Still needs to be edited

Uhhhh that's all ig ✌️

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