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"Lord Odin, you asked to see me?" Percy entered the throne room, sweat trickling down his back. Had Odin found out about the kiss? Would he throw Percy out, back to Olympus, and make him return without an allyship with the Norse? What then? When he eventually got to the throne, he bowed quickly, before standing up straight again. It was the maximum amount of respect he could muster in his panicked state.

"Yes, Perseus, I did," he beckoned the younger god closer, his expression grim. Percy shuffled forward a little bit, his heart doing a double flip with worry. Then Lord Odin's face contorted into a smile, shocking Percy. "Congratulations, Perseus. You have proved to me that the Olympians are worthy of my allyship. Your task is complete."

Percy blinked, processing what the ancient god had just said. When he finally managed to speak, it was quiet and breathy. "Y-you're being serious?"

"I am."

"Oh my gods," Percy laughed in relief. "Thank you! When do I leave for Midgard?"

"Transportation arrangements for tomorrow morning at ten have been made," Odin smiled. "Tell Zeus I look forward to our partnership."

Percy lost his smile. Tomorrow morning? That was how long he had to make amends with Loki? He plastered on a fake smile again, thanking Odin for everything, before telling him he was going to say his goodbyes.


After a spar and long goodbye with Thor, a conversation and goodbye with Frigga, and a goodbye to a few of the guards, he approached the door of Loki's room, breathing in deeply.

He knocked, unsure if he was doing the right thing.

"Come in," the younger prince of Asgard called, and Percy entered, shaking badly. Loki looked up from a book, the title of which Percy couldn't make out. When he saw Percy's face, the older god stood up in worry for his friend. "What's wrong?"

"I leave for Midgard tomorrow morning." Percy shut the door behind him and sat down beside Loki. "Odin has agreed to ally with Olympus. My services are no longer needed here. Which is why I need you to listen to me closely."


Percy took a vial from his pocket, his hands shaking. "This vial has been enchanted and filled with seawater. Should you ever need me, simply empty the container onto your hand, and say my full name: Perseus Jackson. It can only be used once until I enchant it again personally, so use it wisely; once you've done that, I will find you. Do you understand me?"

"I don't want this to be goodbye," Loki whispered, taking the vial from Percy and putting it in his own pocket.

Percy kissed Loki's pale cheek delicately, then moved to his neck before taking off his jacket and turning out the lights. "It's not permanent, remember. We'll see each other again."

Loki took off his own clothes, and in the darkness he could just make out Percy's figure lie down on the bed. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because," Percy paused as Loki lay down next to him. "I love you."



Word Count: 580 words
Percy and Loki are gonna be separated so I'm sad now :(

Please keep in mind that this chapter still has to be edited and therefore has a great deal of inconsistencies and mistakes!!

Also bruh 2 updates in one day I feel like god   (⌐■_)

I need sleep I have school tomorrow-
-Megafetus :)

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