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Loki looked at Percy seriously. "Are you sure?" He asked, not wishing to make his friend regret anything. It was later in the day, and they'd both resolved that they'd been apart far too long.

"One hundred percent," he grinned. "Make me forget everything. The Avengers, the gods, Odin, Zeus, Thanos, Tartarus, all of it. Leave only you."

Loki smirked and brought Percy closer to him by the waist. "Well, I'd love to. But I'd say we're overdressed, now, aren't we?"

Percy smirked, too, taking off his t-shirt. "I daresay we can make it work."

Loki kissed Percy's neck, running hands through his friend's hair. Percy gasped in mid-delight and surprise. "Loki, wait."

"Everything alright?"

"More than aright. But, tomorrow, at the Compound. If you leave any marks, the team will see them."

Loki smiled. "I can heal them first thing tomorrow morning if you want me to."

"Gods, you're amazing- that wasn't fair," Percy had been speaking, and Loki had taken the opportunity to kiss him again.

"Well, we both know I'm not one to play fair, am I?" Loki murmured, kissing Percy's collarbone, making the Greek shiver. When Percy was silent, Loki pushed him against the wall, their faces so close together that they were practically nose to nose. Loki grinned at Percy's surprised expression. "Am I?"

"No," Percy swallowed, shaking his head, and Loki grinned even wider, pleased, and kissed his neck, moving on to his jawline, all over his face, the corner of his mouth. Then he crashed his own lips on to Percy's.

As they kissed, Loki ran his hands down across Percy's torso and towards his jeans, his cool hands making Percy get chills. When he went to unbutton Percy's jeans, his hand was slapped away. He pulled away from the kiss to see Percy smirking at him. "Nope, you first," he said.

"Do it for me, then," Loki grinned, and Percy did as he was told. When they were both undressed, Loki pushed Percy onto the bed and looked at him seriously. "If it all becomes too much or if you want to stop, you tell me, yes?"

Percy nodded, and Loki's smile returned. They kissed again- Loki was like the Galaxy itself, his kisses painting stars all over Percy's body. And, even as the sky dimmed, their spirits did not, for every time they felt their skin against the other's, every time they heard each other's giddy, lovesick sighs, it was enough to keep them sustained for eternity. It was enough to make them realise they were all each other needed. That everything around them was meaningless when they had each other. Nothing more, nothing less.


Percy sighed contentedly, his head on Loki's chest. He couldn't help but smile as Loki kissed the top of his head gently. "I missed you. A lot."

"I missed you too," Loki agreed, taking on that soft, gentle tone he'd only ever used with Percy. It soothed him, hearing Loki talk that way. "Norns, Percy, what did I ever do to deserve you?"

"I think the real question is what I did to deserve you," Percy turned to look at him, taking in his features, so calm in the moonlight shining in from the window. He looked so much more relaxed, like the Loki he really knew- from before Thanos, before New York, before the hot mess that was the present. Percy lost his smile. "I want to make up for lost time. I know you said to forget it, but I just can't. I hurt you-"

"Please, don't," Loki closed his eyes. "We've talked about this and agreed that we were both in the wrong, me more so than you," he opened his eyes to look at Percy again, not being able to look at him enough. "What's important now is that we live and learn, yes?"

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