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Yeah. About that. Thor actually had found out.

Percy had been careful not to drink too much at the party- he'd had two shots and a pint, and, as of right now, was unusually energetic and knew for a fact going to sleep would be no easy feat. He undid the tie he had been wearing all day and unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt, hating the feeling of the collar of it against his neck and thankful that feeling was gone now. He ran a hand through his messy hair before rubbing his eyes and yawning. 

Then there was a warm glow of green light from the corner of the room, and Percy turned, uncapping Riptide, to point it at a very regretful-looking Loki and an absolutely livid Thor. 

"Would you care to explain, Percy?" He asked, holding Loki by the arm. 

Percy looked at Loki, who sighed, then back at Thor.

"Thor, I know this looks bad-" he began, but Thor cut him off.

"When did you find out? How long have you known?" He asked, letting go of Loki and taking a step towards Percy, who looked at Loki.

"Since the funeral." 

Thor looked at Percy in pure disgust. "You're telling me," he said, trying to process what he'd just heard, "you knew this entire time, and you didn't think to tell anyone?"

"He would've been executed, Thor," Percy tightened his grip on Riptide, trying to ground himself. 

"Brother," Loki furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't blame Percy for this. It was my doing, and I know where Odin is. I have told you that. All shall be well, and you'll swear to me that Percy will face no charges."

"Charges? For what?" Percy asked. 

"You hid the fact that Loki was alive, Percy, that's treason," Thor flipped Mjolnir in his hand. "Anyway, get your things, we're going to find Odin." 

"Do we really have to bring Percy into this?" Loki asked.

"Yes, we do."


Percy had changed into a pair of black jeans, a leather jacket and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, and met Thor and Loki outside some care home in New York City. Thor had a pair of blue jeans on, along with a denim jacket, black hoodie and green t-shirt underneath. Loki was wearing a black suit, and, if Thor hadn't been there, Percy most definitely would've begun flirting shamelessly with him.

"I swear I left him right here," Loki said, at the sight of the said care home, which was now a clump of bricks. 

"Right there on the sidewalk or right there where the building is being demolished?" Thor asked, folding his arms. "Great planning."

"How was I supposed to know?" Loki asked, his own arms folded. "Can't see into the future, I'm not a witch."

"No?" Thor asked with a smirk, "then why'd you dress like one?" 

"Hey," the adoptive brother shifted slightly, clearly offended. 

"I can't believe you're alive. I mourned you, I cried for you!"

"I'm honoured," Loki raised an eyebrow, although the way he phrased it sounded more like a question.

Two teenaged girls had approached the three of them, whispering to each other and giggling slightly. "Ask him!" One pushed. 

"Hi," the second smiled at Thor and Percy. "Would you both mind taking a picture with us?"

Percy sighed, but Thor raised both of his eyebrows. "Sure," he said, and, whilst Loki stood there with his arms folded, eyebrows raised, Thor, Percy and two strangers took a photo. "Start figuring out where he is," Thor told him, getting into position. 

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