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For the next few days, Percy sat with the green-eyed prince, who didn't talk to him once. There was something about him that drew the younger god to him, something Percy couldn't quite put his finger on.

He had to attend a lot of meetings during the day with Odin and his council, and his ADHD, which hadn't left him even though he was a god now, went crazy constantly.

It wasn't until one day, when he was walking back to his room, that the prince with the green eyes spoke to Percy.

"Why have you been sitting with me?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and making Percy jump as he walked towards the door.

"You scared me!" Percy put a hand over his heart theatrically. "Not cool, dude."

"You haven't answered my question."

"The award for most observant goes to you!" The younger god sarcastically clapped his hands, then leaned against a pillar. "To answer your question: you're the only one in that family who doesn't look or act all prissy and posh. And you seem like a nice person."

"Nice? Me?" The other god suppressed a laugh. "You really don't know me at all!"

"That's a lie," Percy blurted out automatically. "The first one about you being nice."

The green-eyed prince blinked and paused for a moment. "How did you know that?"

"God of loyalty," Percy gave the other god the finger guns. "I know when someone is lying to me. Also, I still haven't caught your name."

"I don't believe I threw it," he said. "But it's Loki."

"Loki," Percy shook Loki's hand, the name seemed to roll off his tongue in a pleasant sort of way; he liked it. He liked the way the name lingered in the air for a moment like when a guitar would strum and take a few seconds to escape the soundhole completely. "It's a pleasure. Mine is Perseus."

"I'll see you again, Perseus," Loki disappeared, and left Percy standing completely still, his head pounding with a familiar feeling that he couldn't quite identify; like a candlelight or a dream long forgotten.


Percy couldn't stop thinking about Loki all day until dinner, when he took his usual seat beside the other god. He tried his best not to stare, and when he did he was careful not to be caught. He learned the other prince who looked like Jason Grace bore the name Thor, and he had asked Percy to spar with him after they had eaten.

"What is it like?" Loki asked after a few moments of silence. Everyone looked at him. "In the Greek pantheon?"

Odin looked like he was about to scream at Loki to shut up, but Percy simply smiled.

"All I'll say on the matter is that it is very different to Asgard," he said. It was hard not to go off on a rant about how much of a drama queen Zeus was, but Percy knew that if he did that his mother and stepfather's lives would be on the line.

After everyone had finished, Thor and Percy travelled to a considerably large training hall. It was so large it was big enough for Gaia to do a one-goddess Riverdance, and was lined with a bunch of pillars and a soft brown floor.

"Damn," Percy breathed approvingly. "This is awesome," he turned around, "you ready, Thor?"

Thor nodded and took a battle stance. They had already decided to go without weapons and do some good old fashioned hand-to-hand combat. They counted down from three and Percy took the first move. (I suck at scenes like this, I apologise in advance XD)

He used his shin to hit Thor's side whilst hitting him a blow in the jaw, sending the thunder god spinning back. He didn't give up so easily, though. He hit Percy right in the stomach, but Percy quickly recovered, spun, and kicked Thor to the floor. He hopped down and pinned the thunder god for five seconds before letting go.

Time skip because I can't write stuff like this :)

"You did really well, Thor," Percy wiped some sweat from his brow. "You have the makings of a great warrior."

"I do?"

"Absolutely," Percy nodded. "With time. You know some great moves."

Percy was thankful his new powers included making himself smell of the sea and covering any other odours, as well as making himself dry instantly. He and Thor bid each other goodnight and, just before Percy opened the door to his room, he sensed a presence in the water vapour behind him.

"I know someone's there," he said and turned around to face Loki, who almost smiled. "Hi Loki."

"Hello," Loki reluctantly walked closer towards the younger god, as if afraid he might bite. "Perseus, I want to show you something."

Percy raised both eyebrows. "And what would that be?"

"You'll see if you come with me," Loki gestured for Percy to follow.


Word Count: 826 words (excluding the little Author's note I'm gonna write hehe)

This chapter was rushed, like, REALLY rushed. I felt so bad about not updating I just decided "you know what? No day but today."

Anyway, this is still a first draft and therefore still needs to be edited. I'll clean up the edges and fill in the gaps whenever I get the chance to.

Um. If anyone caught the heathers reference, I'll be really happy :)

Bye :)))))


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