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"Hey, what's going on?" Peter stood up. He and Percy had been trying to entertain themselves for a few hours now, and it had gotten to the point where they were so bored Percy was about to fall asleep. The ship seemed to be approaching Titan, one of Saturn's moons that Percy had only been to once before a few years ago. He'd stopped on it to rest for a few days before exploring a few more new planets on his hunt for Thanos. Now he was back, almost six years later, with the exact same intention: kill the Mad Titan.

"I think we're here," Strange said.

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function," Tony said, then his tone turned urgent after realising this ship was going to crash if they didn't get it under control. "Peter, get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it, understand?"

"Yep, got it," Peter nodded, following Tony's instructions. He told Percy to stand back because he didn't have a suit and there wasn't anything he could do, and the same went for Strange, who didn't listen and went ahead and cast a huge shield with his magic. Percy uncapped Riptide and dug it into the floor, holding onto it so he wouldn't fall.

"This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta move at the same time," Tony told Peter.

"Okay, okay, ready," he put on his helmet, as did Tony, and they began steering the ship. "We might wanna turn. TURN! TURN! TURN!"

They began to turn. A thud shook the ship that reminded Percy of the missiles hitting the Statesman just a few hours ago, and Percy started thinking of Loki again as the ship collided with a rock and a chunk of it fell off. Was he even alive? How could Percy have left him that way? Why did he oblige to that stupid plan?

"You alright?" Tony asked everyone, then turned to Strange. "That was close. I owe you one."

Percy got to his feet, brushing himself off, and Peter hung upside down from the roof.

"Let me just say, if aliens end up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I end up eating one of you, I'm sorry," he said, dead serious. Tony rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to hear another single pop culture reference from you for the rest of the trip, understand?" He pointed at Peter.

"What I'm trying to say is something is coming," he pointed to the door and, suddenly, without warning, just as Percy pulled Riptide out from the ground, the four of them went flying backwards due to a grenade. The door flew open to reveal three figures; a bug-like woman with antennae wearing green, a shirtless, bald, grey man with red patterns with swords, and a weird human-like creature with what seemed to be a helmet with glowing eyes on his head wearing red. They ran in, attacking.

"THANOS!" The grey man yelled, running immediately for Strange, and they both threw themselves into battle. The bug lady began running for Peter, who was slinging webs at her and crawling away frantically.

"WHOAH, WHOAH, WHOAH, WHOAH, PLEASE DON'T PUT YOUR EGGS IN ME!!" He yelled, making Percy smile a bit, but he quickly lost his smile as the human, helmeted dude kicked Peter away.

"Stay down, clown," he said, going into battle with Peter. Percy went for the bug lady, grabbing her so she couldn't get free of the webs and pointing the steel half of Riptide to her neck, threatening to cut her throat. She was deathly still.

"DIE, BLANKET OF DEATH!" The bald man yelled, struggling to get the Cloak of Levitation off his head. As soon as he got it off, Tony kicked him to the ground and put a foot on his chest, threatening to shoot. Percy looked over at Peter, who was trapped in a headlock with a gun to his head and was looking desperately at Percy. He mouthed silently 'don't move' and hoped Peter understood. Strange had his magic hands out, poised to attack any of them.

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