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Percy Jackson was exhausted, and he felt as though he was about to collapse, but he'd made it.

He staggered into a hotel on Leath, receiving many odd-looks from the staff and people sitting in the lobby. Percy was surprised at how similar the architecture was to Earth, and the only difference was that it was a little more futuristic and the people living here were a great deal more red in colour.

So Percy wasn't really sure if the stares were because he looked like a drunk hobo, or if they'd never seen a half Bolivian, half Greek dude with light brown skin before. He leaned against the reception desk, using his godly powers to speak and understand any language he heard. He waited for the receptionist to say 'how may I help you?' in the Leath language before everything clicked. Suddenly he understood everything.

"Hey, can I book a room here? Just for a day or two," he spoke fluently.

The receptionist had bright red skin, as earlier established, and almost reptilian features. Her eyes were big and wide, and her nostrils were mere slits. She had long, glossy black hair, which was tied back in two French braids. She raised both of her eyebrows and smiled, pleasantly surprised at how this strange man knew her language. She did not seem startled like a few of the other citizens of Leath. It was almost as though she recognised his features.

"Of course, sir," she smiled. "Are you looking for a particular type?"

"No, just somewhere to stay. I'm afraid I can only pay you in Drachmas," he said.

The girl raised both of her eyebrows again, before smiling. "Those are Greek, aren't they?"

Percy smiled back. "They are. How did you know that?"

"My father was Asgardian," she explained. "But he was banished by Odin long ago, because he found out that his father was Poseidon. God of the sea."

"Oh!" Percy exclaimed. "That would make you my niece!"

The girl's face broke into another smile. "No way! I'm Signe, what's your name?"

Percy frowned. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. I'm hunting someone down. Someone who has affiliations everywhere," he looked around warily. "They don't know who I am, or even that I'm on my way to kill them. I'd like to keep it that way."

"Can you tell me who? Maybe I can help," Signe handed him a key for a room. "I'm not affiliated with anyone."

Percy looked around again. "Not here. Too many people."

"Come with me," Signe gestured for him to follow her, so he did. They ended up in a room underneath the lobby, sitting at a table. "Now," she said. "Who are you after?"

"Thanos," Percy said, and Signe's eyes widened, filling with tears. "Signe, are you alright?"

She shook her head, "he killed my dad."

Percy was at a loss for words, and so he took Signe's hand and squeezed it encouragingly. "I'm sorry. Thanos... he's a monster. The things he has done..." he shook his head. "I swear to you, Signe, I'm going to kill him. For you, for your father, for Loki, for everyone that has suffered because of him. Look at me."

She looked at him, her eyes still spilling with tears. Percy gave her a tissue. "You have no affiliations with Thanos, do you? Don't lie."

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