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It was then that Thanos' army began to deteriorate. 

Percy turned in a circle, and saw that everyone was just as confused as he was. The army turned to dust the same way those who were snapped away disappeared five years ago. In the crowd, Percy spotted Peter Quill, who was looking at T'Challa, confused. Had they won? A few feet away, Steve looked around in exhausted triumph and, just by his expression, Percy knew that the answer to his previous question was yes. Then Steve's expression turned to horror, and Percy followed his gaze to-

Immediately, he ran over to Tony, who was staggering, his face shocked and lost. The realisation of what the billionaire had done hit Percy like a brick. Having experienced the power of the stones firsthand mere minutes before, he knew, with much sorrow, that Tony wouldn't survive. He caught him just before he fell into a pile of rubble, easing him down and trying not to break into sobs. 

"Tony, don't do this to me," he shook his head. Tony's eyes found him, but he couldn't speak. His mouth moved slightly to form what looked like the word proud. "We have to be able to fix it, please, please, we can fix it. Just hang in there, just-" he felt a hand on his shoulder, helping him to his feet and hugging him close from behind, letting him sob. Percy kept choking out pleads to help Tony. There had to be a way to fix it. There had to be a way to reverse what had just happened. Peter had rushed down to Tony know, crying, too.

"We won, Mr. Stark, we won," he wept. "You did it, sir. You did it-" Rhodey let him aside so he was beside Percy. Whoever was hugging Percy must've let go, because now Peter was hugging him, breaking down, and Percy was doing the same. He kept apologising- to Tony, to Percy, to everyone with short, stifled sobs inbetween.

Pepper was kneeling by Tony now. And, when Percy heard F.R.I.D.A.Y's next words, he collapsed to the ground with Peter, his cries getting louder, more intense.

"Life functions critical." 

Tony Stark was gone, and, with him, he took the last piece of hope Percy had left.


Natasha dropped Loki and Percy home after the battle had finished, and Loki guided his lover gently into the house. He hadn't said a word since Tony had died, staring into space, tears running down his cheeks. He needed help to stand and walk- to do anything, really. Trying not to dwell too long on Percy's current state, Loki opened the door, leading his lover to a chair and easing him into it. Sally Jackson held a phone to her ear, as did Paul Blofis, Nico, Will and Estelle, all trying to reach people who'd been snapped away. However, when they saw the state Percy was in, they all looked up. Sally rushed to him, sensing something was wrong. Will did the same, probably to examine any injuries he had. In her face, Loki saw the exact expression that Frigga had held when he'd been brought back to Asgard after the Battle of New York- the face of a mother whose child had been forced to grow up in what seemed like a split second, and she hadn't been there to see it. Nico walked to Loki, arms folded and a worried look on his pale face. 

"You look like Hell," he remarked, looking the Asgardian up and down. "What happened?" 

"Mr Stark passed away a few hours ago," he explained, looking at Percy, who was communicating with his mother in short, broken sentences. "I think Percy's in shock. I've never seen him like this." 

"I have," Nico breathed. The coffee table collapsed, smashing the vase on top with it. A result of Percy's powers losing control. "Twice. But they were both a long time ago. Once, when Annabeth died. The second time was when you fell from the Bifrost. He hardly spoke a word for months on end."

Loki cursed. Then, Will walked over. "Looks like he's in a state of psychological shock. No telling how long for- it can last anywhere from several days to weeks- maybe months. He's gonna be all over the place. As for his arm... what happened there?" 

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