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"What was it you said, Percy?" Tony smirked as Percy exited the cell, lowering his voice to imitate the god in front of him. "'Loki and I are just friends'?"

Percy felt his face heat up to the temperature of one of his mother's Christmas turkeys, perhaps even hotter, as Tony spoke. What was originally embarrassment, turned very quickly to worry and, although Percy would never admit it, a tinge of fear for Loki. "Did Thor see any of it?" He took Tony's shoulders in urgency, making the billionaire gulp.

"Uh- no," he shook his head, stepping away a little. "Thor is in the kitchen- he discovered we have pop tarts and, last time I checked, he'd gone through twenty-seven boxes."

Percy facepalmed at the thought of it. Seriously, his brother was locked up, traded between realms like a circus animal, and Thor's way of spending the evening was eating pop tarts? As much as Percy respected Thor, he couldn't help but feel angry. He looked back at Tony. "You must swear to me that Thor will never find out about Loki and I until we're both okay with it. Swear on the River Styx."

"What? Why?" Tony raised an eyebrow. "And what's the River Styx?"

"An oath on the River Styx is the most serious oath one can make. If you break said oath, the consequences will be worse than death," Percy shuddered, memories of the pain that came with throwing yourself into the River coming back a little too clearly. "Also, if Thor finds out about Loki and I, Loki will be killed and I'll probably be exiled. And he'll go to a different afterlife, so I won't be able to contact him again. Now swear on the Styx."

"Do you really think this is necessary-?"

"Swear it!" Percy's voice was filled with desperation, and Tony realised just how much the god in front of him loved Loki. The very same Loki who had tried to take over New York.

"I swear on the River Styx that I won't tell Thor about you and Loki's relationship unless the both of you are okay with it," Tony swore. "Happy now?"

Percy seemed uncertain, but nodded anyway. "Sure. I can't really make you do anything else. Who else saw Loki and I in the cell?"

"Just me and Fury," Tony leaned on the wall. "But he told me he wasn't gonna tell anyone, and strongly advised for me not to, so you're safe. If you wanna talk to him, though, he's in my lab."

"Yeah..." Percy put his hands in his pockets. "Where exactly is your lab?"


"Well, Perseus, I can't say I'm pleased with your relationship with Loki," Fury said. "But you're an Avenger now, and you've demonstrated that you put your duties above your emotions, so I'm not worried about it. I understand your decision not to let the others know, especially not Thor, and I respect that decision. Now, would you rather have tomorrow, the day after that or the third day to question Loki?"

"Whatever day works for you," Percy shrugged. He was in no rush to leave anywhere until he'd gotten some more information on Thanos, so he wasn't fussy on which day he got.

"I think it'd be right to give you the third day, just so on said day we can analyse our information while still having time to question him further when you're not there. Does that work for you?"

Percy nodded, deciding to zone out while Fury and Tony spoke about the terms of damage done to the city. His thoughts drifted to Tartarus again, and it made him feel trapped, as though the room was getting smaller. He saw a figure standing above him, a silhouette with a sword raised, ready to strike him...

"Perseus? You all good?" He heard someone call him, but he was unable to listen. "PERCY!"

Percy was snapped out of his trance, springing to life and uncapping Riptide, pointing it directly at Tony's throat. Upon realising who had tapped his shoulder, Percy lowered the sword but didn't cap it, still wary.

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