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The two sides walked towards each other, determination and energy written all over everyone's faces.

"They're not stopping," Spider-Man said nervously, after a few seconds of this.

"Neither are we," Tony replied, and everyone began running for each other. The two teams collided, and Wanda immediately went for Percy.

"Are we still friends?" She asked, firing a truck towards Spider-Man and a car towards Percy, which he dodged.

"Well, I'd like to think so," Percy grinned, blasting a gust of strong wind towards her. She fell back but picked herself up quickly. They continued battling like this for a few moments, her occasionally throwing the odd object at Spider-Man.

"Nice ring, by the way," she said, gesturing towards his ring finger. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," Percy smiled, pushing a car away from himself with water vapour in the air and sending it hurtling towards the dude who could grow and shrink- said dude yelled in surprise and shrunk to evade it. Wanda rolled her eyes with a smile and kept throwing vehicles towards Percy and Spider-Man. Percy smiled at her before sending any vehicles she'd been firing at them in the opposite direction towards her. She yelped in surprise and stopped them, sending them backwards again. He grinned at her before going up behind the dude who could shrink and starting to fight him.

"We haven't met, have we?" Percy asked, trading a few punches with him. "I'm Percy, Percy Jackson."

"Scott," the dude- Scott- introduced himself, shrinking and kicking Percy to the ground in the process. "Big fan."

"Nice to meet you, Scott," Percy saluted before teleporting up behind him and kicking him down. He teleported away again and saw Spider-Man holding up a gangway. "You okay, kid?"

"Fine!" He said, clearly straining. Percy smiled and got underneath the gangway, holding it up with Spider-Man.

"Quick, get out," he urged. Spider-Man let go, and the weight got considerably heavier; Percy gritted his teeth as he held it up and Spider-Man got out from underneath it. Percy teleported outside, letting the gangway fall completely as he fell to his knees, panting. Spider-Man was panting, too. They looked at each other, and Percy smiled. They both got up and made their way back to where everyone else was fighting.

Then, completely without warning, Scott grew into a practical giant. He grabbed Rhodey by the leg.

"HOLY SHIT!" Spider-Man yelled, just as Percy yelled. "HOLY MOTHER OF POSEIDON!"

"Okay. Tiny dude is big now," Rhodey said through his earpiece. "He's big now."

"Give me back my Rhodey!" Tony protested. Spider-Man jumped up.

"I got him!" He yelled. He caught Rhodey with a web after Scott threw him away flying. Scott then kicked a bus towards T'Challa, which Vision split in half to keep the King of Wakanda from getting hurt. Percy uncapped Riptide again, getting ready to attack.

"Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestion," Tony said through the earpieces. The whole team was attacking Scott now whilst simultaneously fighting Cap's team- with the exception of Steve and Barnes, who Natasha and T'Challa were after now. That's when Scott blocked T'Challa's path.

"You wanna get to them, you gotta go through me," he said, kicking the crates T'Challa was standing on to pieces. Rhodey, Spider-Man and Percy went towards Scott, bombarding him with explosions and webs and gusts of wind. Rhodey yelled in surprise as Wanda threw a vehicle at him. "Get off!" Scott became distracted by Spider-Man, who was crawling on him. Vision flew through his chest, and Scott became greatly disturbed by this. "SOMETHING JUST FLEW IN ME!"

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