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Author's Note: The song above is the song being played while Percy's in the elevator :)


"Your hospitality has been greatly appreciated," Percy bowed to Odin, Frigga, Thor and Loki before he left for Midgard. "I hope I speak for the entirety of the Olympus when I say I look forward to our partnership."

"Thank you, Perseus," Frigga nodded approvingly, a warm smile on her face. Percy couldn't help but have his eyes drift to Loki, who was watching him sorrowfully. Percy hoped his eyes spoke for him: I'll find my way back to you.


"I have to leave now," Percy took both of Loki's hands, unable to meet the god of mischief's eyes. "The gods will want me to fight this new threat and cower behind their thrones. They always do. But I promise you, as soon as they'll let me I'll be on my way here back to you."

"I'll be waiting, my love, every second of every day," Loki embraced him.

Percy didn't let go, even when it was clear Loki was ready to. The younger god didn't want to let go. He didn't want to return to Olympus and face whatever the gods had in store for him. All he wanted was to lie in Loki's arms, disappear from the rest of the worlds. He took a deep breath before loosening his grip on Loki, slowly letting go. He planted a delicate kiss on the other's cheek, walking away before he could change his mind.

Percy leaned against the wall in the elevator, feeling sick to his stomach. This was the moment of truth, where he'd find out if he truly did the job Zeus asked him to do and if he did it well.

The music was horrible: Rock The Boat. He tapped his foot impatiently, anxious to get out of the elevator. Each floor passed rather quickly, but to Percy it felt like every second was an eternity. He didn't know why he was still afraid of elevators. This was Earth. Tartarus couldn't hurt him here.

121... 122... 123... Percy wondered what was in between the 102nd floor and the 600th. He then realised he wasn't very anxious to know. It wouldn't be long now, he told himself, until he exited the elevator and everything would be fine.

A few minutes later, the doors slid open and Percy took a deep breath before leaving the elevator behind. It was a sunny day on Olympus, Annabeth's beautiful architectural designs glistening in the light. It made him want to vomit. How dare the Olympians walk past these structures every day, forgetting everything about the girl who built them. He gritted his teeth, trying to suppress his anger, as he made his way to the council.

He strode in, still the size of an ordinary human. "I'm back," Percy spun around and waved his jazz hands, a fake smile plastered on his face. "You, my dear Uncle, have got yourself a shiny new allyship with the Norse gods. No need to thank me."

Zeus blinked. He hadn't expected for Percy to arrive today, especially not on the winter solstice. Poseidon, meanwhile, beamed with pride at his son.

"Well done, Perseus," was the closest Zeus was able to get without shattering his colossal ego. "You've- you've done us proud."

"Could you perhaps say that again? I didn't hear you," Percy leaned forward, cupping his ear. He was loving every minute of this.

"You've done us proud, Perseus," Zeus grumbled, a little louder this time. "You've saved me a great deal of work."

Percy leaned back again, a small smile on his face, clearly satisfied. "Thank you, Zeus. Hey, Hermes? Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Hermes looked at the other gods uncertainly before standing and shrinking to be level with Percy. They walked outside the throne room before Percy spoke.

"I want to ask for a favour," he said. "Back in Asgard... one of the princes and I became rather close, and last night we realised we have little to no forms of communication. So I was wondering if perhaps you and Heimdall, the Norse's messenger god, could exchange letters from both of us? It's a lot to ask, I know, but-"

"Sure, Percy," Hermes shrugged and smiled. "You're one of us now, the gods I mean. That means I'm your new post man!"

"You're a life saver, Hermes," Percy grinned. "I'll find a way to repay you for this, I promise!"

He teleported away, leaving the Olympian council wondering why they'd made him a god in the first place. They knew he'd annoy them for eternity.


"Her name's Estelle," Sally let Percy hold the baby, Estelle's blue eyes sparkling with joy at the sight of her older brother.

Percy couldn't wipe the smile off his face even if he tried. The sight of the small girl in his arms was enough for him to forget everything; the war, Annabeth's death, Asgard, and for a moment he even forgot about the consequences if anyone was to find out about him and Loki. "Hello," he booped her nose.

Percy looked back at his mother. "I'm sorry I just disappeared like that, Zeus wanted me-"

"Don't worry about it, Percy," she smiled warmly at him. "Poseidon came and filled me in so I wouldn't be worried. I just wish you'd come and let me know every time you go on a mission."

"I know, I know," he sighed, still holding Estelle. "Next time, I assure you, I'll let you know about everything before I leave if I can help it. Does that satisfy you?"


Word Count: 936 Words

This chapter is so shitty ndnsnsms

Now we can sync this story into the timelines of the mcu movies!! The next chapter is probably going to pick up about a week after the first Thor movie cause we're lazy like that.

Also please keep in mind that this chapter has yet to be edited and therefore should have a lot of mistakes :)


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