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Percy had just given Nick Fury and the Avengers the shorter, less detailed, less gory version of his life story. He explained demigods, Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, the Titan war, the Giant war, his immortality, Asgard, all the way up to the present. He left out any mentions of Tartarus or his relationship with Loki, though. Even then, everyone seemed extremely angry and disgusted with the gods.

"So," Steve said after a few seconds of pure silence. "You're telling us that not only the Norse gods, but the Greek gods are real too, and they have children with mortals? And that you're a son of Poseidon who has turned into a god?"

"You're spot on, Cap," Percy grinned, then he turned to Fury. "The public aren't ready for this type of information yet, so it's probably best if you keep this from them." 

"Of course," Fury nodded. "We'll say you're just an enhanced individual, the way we're saying for Thor. Anyway, you still haven't explained why you and Loki know each other so well."

Percy gritted his teeth. He knew this moment would've eventually came, but he hadn't thought of a good enough lie to tell yet. He decided to wing it. "Loki and I became very close on Asgard. I wouldn't call us friends, but we're something like that."

"You mean boyfriends?" Tony taunted, receiving a very scary glare from Percy. The Avengers laughed at Percy's face coming to resemble a tomato more and more by the second. 

He knew all too well what would happen if Thor found out about them; on Asgard, same-sex couples are extremely looked down on as it is, so a same-sex couple between pantheons involving the prince? Loki would be killed, and Odin would end any connections with the Greeks. And there was no way in Tartarus Percy was going to let that happen. 

He closed his eyes and tried to calm down. "As I said before, Loki and I aren't romantically involved," he lied. "We're just friends. Really close friends."

Tony laughed. "You called Loki cute!"

"So?" He raised an eyebrow, then turned to Fury. "When am I to question Loki?"

"You'll have one day, probably tomorrow, while S.H.I.E.L.D gets the other two," the director explained. "Today all we're doing is settling him in, going over the rules, telling him if he tries to escape we'll have to hurt him. Stuff like that. You can visit him if you want."

"Yeah, I think I'll do that," Percy nodded, standing up. "Which floor?"

"Seventeenth," Tony called. When he saw Percy make his way to the stairs, he spoke again. "Percy, we have an elevator!"

Percy turned and smiled a little. "I'd rather take the stairs. I don't have a good history with elevators."


"I wanted to say sorry," Percy said quietly as he entered Loki's temporary holding cell. "Sorry for everything I said to you, sorry for leaving you last year without anyone to talk to-"

"Shh," Loki stood from his seat, and Percy noticed his eyes were a bright shade of green again. He approached him, intertwining his left hand with Percy's right. "You need not be sorry for anything. All of that," he looked at the window which showed the destroyed city below, "was my fault. Everything you said to me was said in an act of self-defence. I'm the one who should be apologising."

The god of loyalty stood there for a moment, gazing into the other's eyes and feeling his heart shatter. "I wish..."

He didn't want to speak. He couldn't do so even if he tried. But Loki understood. He understood the silence from his lover. He understood everything Percy was thinking at that moment, which was a rare occurrence even for him.

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