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About two weeks or so passed. Loki and Pery were seeing each other a bit more now- they had been unofficially 'back together' for around a week or so now, and Percy had to admit, the time apart had done wonders. They could communicate far better now, their minds clear of any past mistakes. It didn't stop Percy from getting paranoid about what had happened on Sakaar, but it was progress. Since they were nearing Earth, Loki didn't have to attend many meetings, and less and less habitable planets were popping up on the radar for Percy and the team to scout. Both of them were in the main hall of the ship, talking about something that had been on Loki's mind for some time now.

"If he strikes us, it's most likely to be here..." Loki said. "If that's the case, I need you to send out a distress call to any neighbouring ships and planets and get as many Asgardians on the escape ships as you possibly can."

"What about you?" Percy asked. 

"I'll distract him whilst-" 

"Distract whom?" Thor walked over, raising an eyebrow with a smile. "I hope both of you aren't back at those pranks of yours." 

"Too early to say, brother," Loki smiled, clapping Thor on the shoulder, glancing nervously at Percy. "Too early to say.


"With this tie, I bind us together for eternity, for better or worse, in sickness and health, in light and dark," Loki said, taking one of Percy's hands and one of his own and, with his free hand, tying a scarf around them, focusing intently on it. In the hands being tied together, Percy and Loki held a goblet filled with cheap wine from Xandar, and they both were careful not to spill any. "I pledge to forever be thy shelter, and I hope thee shall be mine, for as long as I love thee and thou loves me. A marriage of equals." 

"Loki, I don't know where I'd be if I had never met you," Percy looked at him. "We've had bumps in the road, there were times I thought we might never be happy. But, now, I'm ready to solidify what we have forever. I promise to you, here and now, that I will love you and cherish you, respect and honour you, and never leave your side, for as long as you'll let me. I love you." 

They looked at each other and smiled. Together, they spoke in unison. "One love, one force, one nature." Loki then went on to untie the scarf and put down the goblet. He then looked at Percy, his eyes glistening with happy tears, and smiled. 

"We're married." 

Percy smiled back at that and kissed him- a good, real, long kiss. They hadn't kissed like this in what seemed like forever, and it took Loki completely off guard, but he kissed back nonetheless. They were in Loki's room, and weren't concerned about anyone seeing. 

Loki had Percy against the wall now, and was about to take off the leather jacket he was wearing for him, but suddenly became very still when-

"Brother, I was going to- OH, WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE NORNS IS THIS?!" Thor yelled, absolutely traumatised. Percy opened his eyes and pulled away from the kiss, looking at Loki, both of them mortified. This was it. They were done for now. 

"Suprise..!" Percy waved his jazz hands, his face a very bright shade of gold. 

"Brother, there's a personally reasonable explanation-" Loki began, but Thor cut him off. 

"I KNEW IT!!" He exclaimed. 

"You what?!" Loki's eyes were like saucers. 

"I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING GOING ON BETWEEN YOU BOTH!" He said. "Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course. I think you both are very good for each other," he gave them a thumbs-up, his expression serious. Percy started laughing. 

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