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Percy stood there, the wind tousling his hair and making him shiver. There was a different tinge to the air now; the sickening taste of hate and dishonesty. He clenched his fists.

"You're saying that you didn't?" He stepped away from his lover, the words that he had just heard cutting through him like knives.

"I never have and never will," Loki confirmed.

"But you told me-" Percy began, but the Asgardian cut him off.

"It was all an act, Perseus," he smiled. "From the very start, I had always loathed you. The only reason I wished to become close with you was so that I could get closer to Olympus and, most importantly, learn more about Midgard so I could rule it someday."

Percy blinked, feeling as though he'd been punched in the gut. Then he felt that familiar headache he got when someone was lying. He gripped riptide. "You leave me no other choice."

Sword and staff collided, and this time Percy didn't let his emotions get in the way. This wasn't Loki. This was some sort of illusion. He wasn't here. He was lying. Percy, thanks to his powers, knew what Loki's next moves would always be. He'd try to disarm Percy, and when that didn't work he'd try to stab him. It seemed Loki was all about the offence, but when it came to defence he didn't pay much attention. That was something Percy could use.

"You lie," Percy said at last, as he knocked Loki to the floor, grabbed the sceptre and put his foot on his lover's chest. He smiled in victory. "Honestly, Loki, you should know by now I can tell when even the god of lies is lying."

Loki grimaced. "I assure you, Perseus, every word I speak is the truth: I hate you. I hate you more than anything else in the universe. I hate you-"

"My powers tell me otherwise," Percy frowned. "But the funny thing is I can see you don't want to lie. Someone is making you do so against your will. You don't want this, I know you don't."

"How can you know what I want when you don't even know what you want?" Loki grinned now, disappearing into thin air and reappearing behind his lover, grabbing back his sceptre and Percy's sword. "You claim to love me, to have motivation, to be truthful; but I know about the book."

Percy's eyes widened and he backed away from Loki warily. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ah, Percy," Loki tutted. "You forget I can also tell when someone is lying to me. You know exactly what I'm referring to."

The thick, old book formed in his hands as he tucked the sword and sceptre under his arm; the very same book Percy had left on his desk back at his cabin in Montauk; the same book that had caused him so much pain. The cover was engraved with the title: How To Kill an Immortal.

"Now, Percy, tell me..." he smiled, opening the book. "Just how did you get that new little scar on your temple?"

Percy clenched his fists. "Loki, you're treading on some very thin ice here."

"Ah, is this how you got it?" Loki smiled mockingly at him, opening the book and reading aloud: "It is a well-known fact by now that immortals can fade. Their godly essence can weaken until they no longer can stay in their body." He began to laugh. "Oh, Percy, don't tell me you truly tried to fade?"

"Loki, please stop," the Greek took a step back. 

Loki simply stepped forward, brought Percy's hand to his lips and kissed it, smiling as he did so. Percy was shaking, conflicted emotions drowning him. "Look, Perseus, it's been fun. But I have a world to take over, and if you stand in my way..." he handed Percy back his sword. "I'm afraid you'll have to be imprisoned when I take over Midgard. And, to be quite frank, I hoped we could've ruled together."

Percy grimaced. "You won't be going anywhere," he ran forward, hoping to tackle his lover, but Loki was already gone. He fell to his knees, knowing full well he had failed.


He touched down on the ground, taking down a few Chitauri almost immediately. He didn't know where Loki was, but that was of no importance now. What mattered was closing the portal in the sky, saving New York and then trying with Loki again. And no way in Tartarus was he letting his fatal flaw get in the way.

Tony Stark touched down next to him. "Any luck?"

Percy shook his head, stabbing a Chitauri and decapitating another. "I... I think he might be under someone's control. But, if he isn't, he's beyond saving. How about you?"

"Cap told me to get you an earpiece so we could keep in touch with you while we fought," he gave the small piece of technology to Percy. "You know how to use it?"

He looked at it questionably before putting it in his ear and hearing all of the Avengers talking to each other apart from Thor. "I think so," he smiled at Tony before taking down three more Chitauri. Tony frowned under his helmet. This kid couldn't have been older than eighteen, and here he was, killing Chitauri, completely unfazed, and dealing with gods. He couldn't help but feel a twang of pity on him. He shook his head before blasting a few Chitauri as Percy stabbed and sliced a few others.

"Anyways, I need to get back to making sure the Chitauri don't wreak any more havoc," Tony said. "You can handle yourself?"

Percy nodded. "Sure. Thanks, Stark."

Tony nodded as well before thrusting himself off the ground and flying into the sky. Percy, meanwhile, realised he was about to be cornered by at least thirty Chitauri. He groaned. "I really can't catch a break, can I?" He raised Riptide, ready to strike them all.


I'm supposed to be doing online school rn but whatever 

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