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Percy was in his room on an Iris Message to Loki two days later when he got the call from Tony that it was rather urgent that he should meet the millionaire outside some apartment building in Queen's.

Apparently, Steve, Sam and James Barnes, the Winter Soldier, had all ended up in custody and then proceeded to escape, and, now, Tony and Natasha had 36 hours to find them, and they were apparently in Germany, about to get out of the country. Tony was apparently waiting outside this apartment building for Percy to get there.

"Look, I've got to go," Percy said to Loki after hanging up his phone, which had been made by Leo to not attract any monsters. "I've got to take care of something."

"As a matter of fact, so do I," Loki checked a piece of paper that was out of Percy's field of view. "There's some kind of plague spreading around one of the villages in the woods. There's a meeting for it in around an hour."

"Oh, gods," Percy put on his leather jacket. "I hope you guys get to the bottom of it."

"I hope we do, too," he admitted. "The last thing I need is for it to spread to other villages, or, worse, kill anyone."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Percy assured him. "I love you, okay?"

Loki smiled at that. "I love you, too."

And, with that, the I.M ended, and Percy walked out the door, making sure to bring a bracelet that Tony had made for him; it expanded into a shield that reminded Percy slightly of the wristwatch shield Tyson, his brother, had made for him many years before. He had said multiple times to himself that Tony had to meet Leo and Tyson at some point.

Percy waved goodbye to Vision, who was at the kitchen cooking something- it didn't seem to be going too well. Anyway, he stepped out the door and teleported straight to the apartment building Tony was waiting outside of. Tony jumped out of his skin, putting a hand to where his arc reactor was underneath his suit.

"Jesus Christ, Percy!" Tony exclaimed whilst Percy laughed. "You know, a little warning might have been nice!"

"Sorry," Percy laughed. "So, what's happening, are we going to Germany?"

"Yep, as soon as possible, actually," Tony nodded, then checked his phone after it made a 'ding' sound in his pocket. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" Percy asked, concerned.

"Barton came and took Wanda from the Compound. Vision's trapped underneath a pile of rubble," Tony said. "He said he's fine and getting out, but just something to be wary of."

"Clint? What's he got to do with this?"

"I'm guessing Steve contacted him. Natasha won't be too happy," Tony sighed. "Anyway, what we need to be worrying about is Wanda."

Earlier, both Tony and Percy had agreed to prevent Wanda from leaving the Compound. Percy had requested that Vision stayed with her, remembering the discussion they'd had a month prior. He'd felt horrible about it, but if it could prevent another incident like the one in Lagos, what other option did he have? Now that Wanda had left, she'd be angry. Really angry. And anger was never good, not when you were someone as powerful as Wanda was.

"She'll be fine. She can make good decisions," Percy said. He didn't know if he was reassuring himself or Tony.

"Oh, yeah, because blasting Vision forty feet underground is a good decision," Tony nodded in mock understanding.

"Shut up," Percy rolled his eyes. "So, what brings you to Queen's?"

"Asked a guy if he wanted to help us hunt down Steve and co. He said yes, he'll be meeting us in Germany."

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