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This chapter takes place a week after the first Thor movie— 2 months after Chapter 9 :)


Percy hadn't been able to sleep for a few days now. He wasn't exactly sure why- it was like something inside him was refusing to let him relax. Any time he sat down, or stopped moving for even a millisecond his body would begin to twitch- as if it couldn't stand to be still for more than a moment.

He was living away from Sally, Paul and Estelle now- the constant presence of an immortal drew in a scary amount of monsters just when Percy thought they'd leave him alone. He decided to stay in his mom's cabin in Montauk, right by the sea. Hermes came regularly with letters from Loki. Usually, he'd get a letter three days after he sent his own.

He hadn't received any word from Asgard in a week.

He paced around the small living room, running a hand through his hair. He'd thought about IM-ing Hermes, but he didn't want to come across as pushy. Maybe things were just slow on Asgard. Maybe... Maybe Loki just couldn't get back to him right away. Yeah, that was it.

He sat down, looking through some of his older letters he'd received in the past five months. They never failed to bring a smile to his face. Loki had been practicing his Ancient Greek, his swirly handwriting becoming clearer as he improved in the language.

Percy had stapled the letters into a scrapbook, along with a few photos of him and Loki. It calmed him to know he was still out there waiting for Percy to come back. Then they could be happy. Then things would start to look up.

Or so he thought.

There was a knock on the door. Percy rose from his seat, walking over and opening it to reveal Hermes, his elfish face in a worried expression.

"Word from Asgard," he handed Percy an envelope much different compared to the makeshift ones Loki sent. This one was professional, addressed to Percy in the most formal way possible. "You might want to sit down for this, Percy."

He let Hermes in, who sat next to him as Percy opened the envelope with trembling hands. He sighed as it wasn't in Ancient Greek.

"Can you read it for me?" Percy handed Hermes back the letter sheepishly.

Hermes cleared his throat. "Are you sure?"



I'm writing to you to address the chaos that has taken place in Asgard over the course of the last month or so.

A while ago I, Thor, was cast down to Midgard as a mortal for my own arrogance. Over that time, many things changed me as a person- but that's a story for another day. I know of you and my brother's closeness, and how much it must pain you to know this, but while I was mortal he ruled Asgard for a few days time.

I had to return to Asgard to stop him from wreaking more havoc. In doing so, we destroyed the Bifrost bridge. My father, Odin, returned from his Odinsleep to assist Loki and I as we hung over the abyss. I hoisted myself up with my father's help, but Loki did not."

Percy clenched his fists listening to Hermes' voice, not knowing what to think so far. What did Thor mean by Loki not making it back up?

"He let go," Hermes read. "We don't think he survived the fall." He looked up to see hot, fresh tears rolling down Percy's cheeks, his sea-green eyes flooding with grief.

"My deepest condolences are with you, Perseus, and I'm trying to get you here to Asgard in order to attend his burial.


Hermes looked up again to see Percy with his head in his hands, shaking with sobs. He awkwardly put his hand on the younger god's back. "I'm sorry, Percy. I don't know what to say to you-"

"It's okay," Percy sat up and sniffed, wiping the tears away as quickly as they came. He put on a small smile. "Thank you, Hermes, for everything. I guess Loki just..." he faltered, then shook his head. "It doesn't matter."


Percy's head rang with one word: why? Why had Loki done it? What did Percy do wrong? Now that Hermes was gone, he let the tears threatening to spill again stream from his eyes. He uncapped riptide and stabbed it into the wall before falling to his knees. Thor said he was trying to get him to Asgard to attend Loki's funeral. Did he have the strength? He sat down with some knives, throwing them at the wall around Riptide until the sword returned to his pocket.

He didn't know how long he sat there, putting away the sword and reading through Loki's old letters again, but it must've been hours, because eventually the clock on the windowsill stroke midnight. He sighed, not bothering to move. He didn't want to face what had happened. Never-

Another knock. Percy groaned and stood up. Who'd even think to visit at this time? He opened the door, tear stains lining his face, to see Poseidon, his forehead creased with worry.

"I heard about what happened." his father took Percy's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry."

Percy shook his head, tears threatening to resurface again. He didn't dare speak.

"If you ever need me, I'll always be here," Poseidon gave Percy a hug, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, he hugged back. "All you have to do is go to the sea. You'll find your way to me, like you always do. Alright?"

"Yeah," Percy pulled away, sniffing a little. He couldn't think with the grief fogging his mind.

Word Count: 985 words

I like smoothies. Do you like smoothies?

Also when I get around to editing this chapter it's gonna change a LOT cause I ain't happy with it.

(This chapter has yet to be edited and will have mistakes—)


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