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For the next week or so, Loki and Percy would meet on the balcony every night. They would sit down on some chairs they had brought up and exchange stories. Neither of them could explain it, but it seemed they both had a feeling they could trust one another; that they could depend on each other.

It was getting to the point where Percy was beginning to tell Loki about his quest on the Argo II. Loki was telling him about some of the pranks and missions with Thor. It had only been a week since they had met, but they were already closer than lifelong friends.

"I've been thinking," Percy shifted in his seat one night, a strange feeling in his chest.

"What, are you sick?" Loki smirked as the younger god punched him on the arm playfully, laughing.

"That thing you said last week: 'there's no use boiling your cabbage twice.'"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Well," Percy shifted again. "Aren't past mistakes good for you? I mean, can't you dwell on one mistake to save for the benefit of your future?"

Loki simply smiled. "We both know that's not what I meant. Mistakes are a whole other matter altogether. What I was trying to tell you was that, no matter how bloody or horrible things used to be, even on the longest days the evening isn't far behind."

"Great. Another riddle to decipher," Percy laughed.

"Perseus, just take my word for it that you aren't alone in what you're going through," the god of mischief stood, putting a hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Percy," the young god whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"My friends. They call me Percy."

Loki blinked. He never had assumed he and Percy would consider each other friends, let alone even speak with one another like they did nightly now. "Alright, Percy."


It went like that for the next few weeks. Then those weeks turned to months, and those months turned to a year. Still, Odin was not completely convinced on allying with the Greeks, and so in Asgard Percy stayed. He didn't mind, not when he sparred with Thor weekly and spoke with Loki nightly. Not when he was far, far away from any of the other gods' clutches.

It was a warm summer's day, the view in from of Percy and Loki was blanketed by a warm, golden sun and it's rays drenched the towns below them in aureate glory. The sky above them was a brilliant azure, with only one fluffy cloud in sight. Percy could smell the flowers blooming, the lush, green trees crowded with delicate cherry blossoms.

It was a little earlier than usual when they met up, but as Percy didn't have any meetings that day and Loki had nothing to do himself they decided to spend the day together, listening intently to one another speak.

The day seemed to fade in seconds as the two gods took a stroll around the castle and later into a small wood. When they got tired they sat down at the banks of a flowing river that meandered it's way into the town. Percy looked at Loki, still unable to pinpoint the feeling that was in his chest every time they were alone. Loki caught him staring, but he didn't mind. He had been about to do the same thing.

"Percy, I have thought about many things over the past month or so," Loki fidgeted with his hands, trying not to meet the young god's eyes.

"Yes?" Percy raised an eyebrow. "What's on your mind?"

Loki took a shaky breath, not knowing exactly what to say but knowing that he wanted to say what he needed to. It was now or never. "When I look at you, Percy, I get an odd feeling. Once the feeling is gone I can never quite place it. Even when you are not near, you engross my thoughts entirely; I cannot think of anything but you. I have an unidentifiable affection for you- I don't know how or why... I just feel complete when you are beside me. For you, Percy, I know would risk everything I have ever known."

Percy blinked, his heart beating almost out of his chest. He couldn't look away from Loki's lips as they moved with his words. When, at last, he stopped talking, Percy leaned in closer. "You know... I've felt odd when I see you, too. I couldn't ever quite place where I'd felt like it before, but now I think-" he shook his head and smiled. "Never mind."

Loki cocked his head to the side. "What?"

Percy leaned in closer again. "I've only felt like this before once," he explained, leaning in with every word, almost unnoticeably until he was nose to nose with Loki. They could hear nothing but the other's breathing, and when Loki opened his mouth to speak, the son of Poseidon pressed his own lips against the god of mischief's.



Please keep in mind this chapter in particular will be HEAVILY edited after I get out of school tomorrow or, if not then, whenever I get the chance to :)

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