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One year.

That's how long it had been since Loki fell.

Percy sat on the floor of his bedroom. He'd tried everything, but to no avail. He was still here. Why would the fates do this? He tried fading, he tried almost everything in the book, but it was all ineffective. It was as if the fates had lined his string of life with some invincible shield and were laughing at how desperately he wanted it to break. He longed to die, to end the pain, to feel something other than the numbness that starting to set in.

For the millionth time, he cursed Loki for doing this to him. In the past year, his sorrow had turned to rage. Percy knew it was selfish of him to think that way, especially when Loki mustn't have been feeling the best before he let go of his staff, but he couldn't help but resent his lover for doing this to him.

It was all he could do not to burst into tears. A year without him. A year without his one candle in the darkness.

He closed his eyes. It was hopeless. He was stuck, as an immortal, forever. Nothing could change that.

There would be a meeting on Olympus today, and Percy was supposed to show up. He sighed. Grieving could wait.


He sat in the temporary chair set up by the Olympians, similar to the ones Hades and Hestia sat in. Percy, as he was the warrior that mostly defended Olympus, had earned himself a seat at almost all meetings the Olympians held. He'd rather be out on quests, taking his mind off Loki, but apparently this meeting was important. He wasn't able to cancel it.

"We know nothing." Zeus said nervously. "Nor does Asgard. All we know is that this threat- whatever it is- is planning something big. Something that could change everything and everyone."

"So you're saying it's going to start another war?" Percy asked, for once being serious about something. If there was to be another war, he wanted in on it. It would distract him from Loki, who never seemed to leave his mind. Also he wanted the future to be bright for future demigods- unlike the harsh reality he'd been forced into.

"Potentially, yes," Athena nodded. "However, we aren't entirely sure. We need to think like our threat whom, as Zeus has mentioned, we know absolutely nothing about. This makes it hard to put ourselves in their shoes. We need to think sensibly about this or else it could well be our downfall."

The gods all were silent for a moment, engrossed in their own thoughts.

"Well, to have a war, usually there would be a prophecy. Dionysus, has Rachel said anything or been acting weird lately?" Percy asked at last. "I mean- AGH!" He gasped as a horrible pain spread across his hand. He clutched it, his eyes flashing back an forth between the Olympian council and a dark cavern filled with jagged rocks and two figures conferring.

"Percy?" Poseidon rose from his seat, stepping cautiously and worriedly towards his son.

"P-please excuse me," he stood and rushed out of the throne room, leaning against a pillar outside, closing his eyes and teleporting to where his enchanted vial had been triggered.


"The Chitauri grow restless," a voice that sounded like nails scraping down a chalkboard claimed and Percy quickly hid behind a taller rock. Chitauri? What was this dude on about? And why had the vial Percy had given Loki ended up on the floor in front of him?

"Let them go at themselves," Percy knew the next voice that spoke. A hint of a British accent, melodic, like a bass guitar. Percy stopped himself from screaming. It was Loki. "I will lead them into glorious battle."

No, it couldn't be. Loki had fallen into a bottomless pit a year ago. He was dead.

The other voice scoffed. "Battle? Against the meager might of Earth?" Percy clenched his fists. He'd show him just how much Earth could pack a punch.

"Glorious, not lengthy. If your force is as formidable as you claim," Loki's voice replied coolly, and Percy leaned to the side of the rock, desperate to catch a glimpse of his lover.

His hair was longer, and he was holding a golden sceptre with a blue glow at the top. Percy curiously leaned in closer. Loki was speaking with a hooded figure, his purplish hands clenched. He ran to the side, his voice rising.

"You question us?" He screamed, making Percy jump. "You question him? He, who put the scepter in your hand, who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose when you were cast out, defeated?"

"I was a king!" Loki shouted back, making Percy jump again. What was going on here? "The rightful king of Asgard! Betrayed!"

Betrayed? Whatever did Loki mean? He was never betrayed by anyone... unless Thor had lied. But Percy's abilities should've picked that up.

"Your ambition is little, born of childish need. We look beyond the Earth to greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil." The hooded one faced Loki, who was pacing slowly. He turned back to the hooded dude.

"You don't have the Tesseract yet." Loki said. Percy raised an eyebrow. What was a Tesseract? The hooded figure ran towards Loki, hoping to attack him, making Percy grab his ballpoint pen from his pocket cautiously. Loki stopped the hooded dude with his sceptre. "I don't threaten, but until I open the doors, until your force is mine to command, you are but words."

This wasn't the Loki Percy knew. He uncapped riptide, getting ready to attack, but waited a moment for their conversation to end.

"You will have your war, Asgardian," the hooded dude growled. "If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can't find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain."

That was the last straw for Percy. No one threatened Loki and got away with it on his watch. He was about to charge when Loki disappeared.

Percy teleported back to Olympus, collapsing into his seat, shaking with shock. His sea-green eyes were as wide as saucers, his forehead beaded with sweat. He dropped riptide as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Perseus?" Zeus stood, showing a rare case of worry for his nephew.

"It's Loki," Percy's voice was barely above a whisper, but the entire throne room heard it. "He's-" his voice broke. "He's alive."


Mmmmm not a fan of the way this chapter is written but whatevs- I'll definitely edit it when I get the chance to

Ughhhh Percy is so ooc here :(

We're starting to jump into the first Avengers plotline, so things are going to get a lot more interesting :)

Just bear with me XD




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