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Tony returned to the compound several days later, wounded and with a completely mangled suit. He'd somehow managed to hook his suit up to a power source after claiming to Percy he was visiting the raft, when, in reality, he'd gone to the raft for information on where he'd find Steve Rogers and James Barnes, who'd escaped before they could be arrested. Tony had then learned that Barnes had killed his parents; it hadn't been an accidental car crash as everyone had been told.

Then there had been a breach at the Raft, and Tony, Percy and Rhodey, who had been paralysed from the waist down and was going through physiotherapy, received a letter from Steve, detailing that the super-soldier really wished that they'd agreed, but was doing what he thought was right and wished all three of them well.

That left the team in pieces.

"Tony, I've been thinking lately," Percy said one day, finding Tony in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee. 

"Yeah? What's up?" 

"I don't think I want to be part of the Avengers anymore," he leaned on the counter, looking at Tony nervously, who looked up in shock. 


"It's too much. Don't get me wrong, I love this team, I love this job," Percy explained, then sighed. "But the Accords... I signed them because that was what was right, but I can't let the Government control every move I make and don't make. It's exactly what the gods did to me and, if I'm honest, still do to me. It's not going to end well for me or for anyone else."

"Percy, you're all this team has at the minute," Tony shook his head. "I understand if you want to leave, it's your choice, but there's only four of us now, kid. I hate to admit it, but we're in pieces."

"I know, and that's why I don't want to leave," Percy agreed. "But I'm so done with this hero gig. I've been doing it since I was twelve, Tony, and it never ends well, not for me, not for you, not for anyone. I've helped save the world five times now, so I ask you: to what end? What is it all for?" 

Tony paused. Percy was making perfectly valid points. "Look, I can't stop you from leaving," he sighed. "But there has to be another way, another option. What if you semi-retired?"


"Yes, you're retired, and, if the team's ever in really desperate need, we can call you," Tony smiled. "You'll be like a last resort- we won't call you unless there's no other way." 

Percy raised both of his eyebrows and thought about that for a moment. "That... sounds great, actually," he looked at Tony again and smiled. "It sounds perfect, in fact."

"Well, then, problem solved." 


Loki and Percy lay down on the roof of the palace, looking up at the stars. Loki would tell his lover all about each constellation, knowing the sky as one might know an old friend, perhaps even family. Usually, Percy would be completely unable to focus; he'd be all over the place, constantly moving, zoning out. But it seemed that, when it came to Loki, none of that applied. Percy found himself sitting completely still, focusing completely on Loki's voice, which softly explained the sky to Percy. For once, Percy found he could think clearly. 

Of course, as soon as Percy thought about it, he started squirming again and interrupting a few times, but he chose not to dwell on the negative. 

"My mother used to take me up here all the time, she'd teach me everything about the sky, the stars, all about life," Loki said, "and death." 

"Where do you go?" Percy asked, suddenly getting worried, thinking of what the future was bound to hold. "When Jotuns die. Where do they go?"

"Well, it all depends on what the soul wants." 

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