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"Wow, she had you wrapped around her little finger, didn't she?" A voice came from behind Loki, causing the god of mischief to whirl around and see a young man leaning on the railing, his sea-green eyes sparkling with amusement. "I really thought you were better than that, Loki."

"Perseus," Loki spat the name out as if it were poison.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were dead, then a year later you send me a distress call making me miss a meeting on Olympus to look for you, only to find that you aren't there. Then I send Hermes to search the entirety of Earth for you, and you're here. The least you can do is apologise."

Loki glared at the other god. "You have no business here."

"Hey, you're the one who sent the distress call, not me!" Percy held his hands up to show his innocence in the matter.

"You should've let it be," Loki growled, not meeting Percy's eyes.

"I couldn't," the other shook his head. "Not when I knew you were in danger."


"You know," Percy began to circle Loki's cage, his stride slow yet confident. "What drew me to you first initially when we met were your eyes. When I saw you for the first time and you looked at me with those emerald green eyes, I felt... well, I'm not sure what it was, but it was nice. Sort of like a hole in my heart slowly began knitting itself back together. Healing, if you will."

"What do you want from me?"

Percy stopped. He looked back at Loki. "Call off your attacks. Come home with me. We can be happy, Loki. We can finally have some peace and quiet."

Loki considered this for a moment, and he started pacing slowly. He could stop all of his plans in a heartbeat, live a peaceful life with Percy until Poseidon retired, when they'd rule the sea together. It would be so much more simple- no. He snapped himself out of it. He would get his revenge and no one, not even Percy, would stand in his way. He stopped pacing and narrowed his eyes, meeting Percy's sea-green ones for the first time. "No."

That one, single word sent a chill down Percy's spine as he gazed into his lover's now icy blue eyes. They never looked that way. He tried not to look surprised. "And why not?"

"You saw how Odin treated me on Asgard!" Loki gritted his teeth at the thought of his adoptive father. "You saw how Thor was in the spotlight, basking in what should've been my glory. I was kicked to the corner, grasping any small strings of hope I still had that maybe one day Odin would see how much potential I had; how much I'd grown since my earlier years. But still the only people who ever acknowledged me and saw me not as a monster were you and my mother. And now... now I finally get my own sweet, sweet revenge."

"Loki, listen to me," Percy was leaning on the outer glass of the cage now, staring into Loki's eyes. "You don't need to take over Earth. You and I- we can settle down, lead a normal life, rule the sea someday. Why must you go through all this effort of taking over the surface of Earth when, in just a few centuries, we can inherit the depths of the whole ocean? Isn't that what you want? What you've always strived for?"

"I told you to stay out of this." Loki turned away. "Now leave me."

Percy took a step back, clenching his fists and taking a slow, deep breath. He nodded. "Okay," he agreed softly. "You're right. I... I'm being pushy." Percy walked away, his back now to the cage. He looked behind him one last time. "But I'm not giving up on you, my love. I'll be back."

He disappeared until only the scent of a gentle sea breeze lingered in the air.


There's an awful lot of dialogue in the last two chapters, which I'm not the biggest fan of, so I'll probably end up editing them when I get the chance to idk


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