Author's Note

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And that's a wrap!!! Pressing that 'complete' button felt SO GOOD.

I actually got quite emotional writing those last few chapters, not gonna lie. After 81 chapters (plus an epilogue) and gods-know-how-many words, we're finally finished!

I really hope you lied the epilogue- I could've kept it the way it was at chapter 81, but I wanted to just let everyone know that when Loki eventually died Percy wouldn't be alone bc Loki would choose rebirth for him every time. It has a few plot holes so it's always open for a sequel if I get bored but, for now, Loki and Percy's story has ended and it's up to you to decide where they go next.

I've changed so much as not only a writer, but also a person, writing this story. I started it in September 2020- I was twelve. As of July 2022, I'm fourteen and I can say I'm a better writer by MILES. The other day I was reading Chapter 1 again and was so shocked at how far I've come. And I owe that to all of you!

Which leads me to the purpose of this A/N- I wrote this to say thank you. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU! Thank you for reading this story!!!!!!!!!!! I started it mainly to improve my writing and seriously didn't expect anyone to see it! So to see you all thoroughly enjoy it has truly been the highlight of it all<3

Now for a bit of self-promo because I have attachment issues to writing Poki stories now: 

I have another fanfic with 3 chapters published at the moment. It's a work in progress and it's called: A Game of Gods and Grit. It's still a Poki story but quite different to this one and I have some pretty big plans for it now that CMIIF is out of the way. 

To those of you who have been reading from the very beginning: I admire your patience!! But also thank you for sticking around to see how Percy's story ends. I hope all those plot twists didn't hurt you too much!!

But, honestly, thanks so much for the support and love for this story, from the bottom of my heart. 


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