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Percy was ready.

He'd left Dominique and Signe's house the night before, after Dominique filled him in on Thanos' next plans. She revealed her sister had been working for him before he had struck Leath and killed her. Percy had went back to the hotel and spent the night there, checking out the next morning. His business on Leath was over. He saw Signe the next morning, thanked her and assured her he would avenge everyone who had ever been affected by Thanos or his plans. And, with that, he took a jump to the next planet Thanos planned to strike. It took a week or two to get there, it turned out. It was hard to tell since time was difficult when you were travelling through space. On top of that, he was drained from the amount of travelling he had been doing,

The planet was called Marú, apparently, and was one of the strangest places Percy had ever seen; and that was saying something, especially considering some of the places Percy had been to over the past few weeks. He was already receiving stares from passers-by, which made him sigh. The architecture was even stranger- most of the high towers were leaning dangerously to one side or another, and he remembered Annabeth telling him once that that was a result of an unstable foundation.

He'd Iris Messaged Lady Frigga again last night, asking if he could arrange one with Loki, and she had said she'd see what she could do. That was good enough, Percy told himself, and spent that next morning in a great mood. He held himself with confidence as he walked through the streets of Marú, and felt the best he had in months. It didn't seem as though Thanos has struck yet, which was more than perfect. It would give Percy more time to think this through, and less time to act on a whim and screw everything up. He had one shot at this, and he was not going to mess it up.

The air was cold, but Percy didn't mind. Temperature was the least of his concerns.

Think, think, think. When Thanos came, what was he going to do? It's not like Percy could just appear and kill him straight away. He wanted to make him suffer, but how? Percy guessed that Thanos brought backup in case something like that happened. In fact, he had no doubt. The element of surprise was helpful, but what was to happen when the element of surprise was gone? He sighed again. That's when he heard it.

The sound of screams and loud bangs coming from a few blocks away. Percy shrouded himself in the mist, making himself invisible. No time to waste; Thanos had arrived. He uncapped Riptide, walking slowly to the source of the sound.

People were being ushered towards what seemed to be the town's main square, where about twenty odd-looking alien things were waiting with guns. Percy knew what was to happen. He narrowed his eyes, following a terrified man's gaze to the entrance of what looked like a city hall, and standing there... standing there...

It was purple in colour, unlike the yellowish-greenish tones of the inhabitants of Marú. It's chin reminded Percy of the back of a Yeezy, and it was decked out in full, golden armour. It's purple arms were bulging with muscles, and it held a long, jagged blade in it's hand. The air left Percy's body as he realised who this horrific creature was. Thanos.

Percy quickly dashed behind a large stone monument, shaking with rage. This was Thanos. This was the creature he'd been hunting down for a good week and a half now, and had caused so many people so much suffering. And now he'd found him. And there was no way he was letting him get away.

He clutched his sword, hardly able to stabilize himself. He had to wait, see what was going to happen. There was no point in acting straight away; he needed the element of surprise. it was the only thing he could really use to his advantage right now. So he watched Thanos intently, every small movement he made was noted in Percy's brain. For once, the god could actually focus.

"Ready," Thanos' voice was loud and powerful. "Set..." with a shock, Percy realised what he was going to do next. Still surrounded by mist, he ran for Thanos, his sword raised, and just as the Titan yelled "fire!" Percy had him pinned to the ground, the mist completely gone, and a large cut in Thanos' right arm, courtesy of Riptide.

Screams of shock came from behind him as half of Marú's population was murdered, but Percy was transfixed only on making Thanos suffer. The Mad Titan grunted in pain, and quickly kicked Percy off of him, who got back up and ran for him again, shouting in defiance. Thanos' blade met with Percy's sword.

"Who are you?" He rasped as Percy kept attacking, knowing each move Thanos was going to take next.

Percy smirked, defending here, attacking there, striking and fighting with such force the Mad Titan found it exceedingly difficult to keep up. "Perseus Jackson."

Thanos seemed surprised by that, for he stopped for a moment, allowing Percy to knock him to the ground and press Riptide to his throat. He watched the Titan closely, who gestured for someone not to attack Percy. He looked at the god, a smile spreading across his face. "I was told you were powerful, Perseus, however, I never thought you would have the ability to travel so far from Earth. I should not have doubted you, I suppose. Especially after what happened with Evan McNeill on Earth. I must admit, you created quite a wonderful scene there."

Percy felt a wave of guilt come over him when he thought of the mortal he had tortured to death, and had let down his guard. A split second later, he was on the ground, his own sword to his throat, in Thanos' other hand. He struggled to move, but was pinned down by several of Thanos' goons and the Mad Titan himself. Percy clenched his jaw, glaring at Thanos with the scariest glare he could muster; one he'd learned from Lupa.

"You have heart, Perseus Jackson," Thanos smirked. "You could be very useful to me..." he smiled, as the surviving half of Marú's population watched in fear. He nodded at one of the creatures who held him down, and the world went black.


Somewhere, many light years away, a tall, pale man stood in a cell and grunted with pain as his left hand began to feel as though it was burning. His vision flashed between the cell he stood in and darkness, and he struggled to his feet before he lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.


I'm not a fan of how rushed this is tbh. I'll edit it when I can :)

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