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"This is Brock Rumlow," Steve pointed to the screen where an image of a man in his late thirties-early forties was being displayed. "You might recognise him as one of the HYDRA agents who assisted in SHIELD's collapse."

"Oh, yeah, he was the dude who ended up almost dying of burns and stuff, right?" Percy asked. He and Wanda had been laughing and joking the whole way to the conference room, and Tony had been over the moon to see him smile again, but now he was in what he liked to call 'serious mode' again.

"Yeah, that's right," Steve nodded. "Well, six months ago, he escaped from prison, around the same time this guy surfaced for the first time..." a guy in a metal mask that resembled a traditional Ancient Greek helmet popped up; the photo seemed to be taken from a crappy security camera. "A terrorist who calls himself 'Crossbones.' He's been identified as Rumlow and has mainly been blowing places up, trying to get our attention. Our main motive is to find him and arrest him. He's too dangerous to be kept out in the open."

"Where is he now?" Wanda asked.

"We're not entirely sure about that yet, but we think we've found him in Italy, planning to strike somewhere in Venice," Natasha explained. "We'd like to leave as soon as possible. Wanda, Percy, Sam, we'd like you three to come with us to Italy."

"Percy's not going," Steve said quickly.

"What? Why not?" Percy seemed taken aback at this.

"Every time we go on a mission, you end up getting hurt, we can't have you holding us back," Steve said matter-of-factly.

"When has Percy ever held you back?" Tony asked. "If anything, I'd say he propels you forward."

"Thank you!" Percy beamed.

Steve closed his eyes and sighed. "You came back from Asgard four hours ago, Percy."

"And? My wound is more than healed already," Percy argued. "Besides, Lok-Odin told me I can go on a mission if I want to, I just have to be careful that the wound isn't opened again."

"How do you know it won't?"

"I just do," Percy glared at him, and the door flung open, sending a gust of wind through the room far too powerful to be natural and a vase on the windowsill toppled over and smashed. the whole team turned around to look at it. "How'd that happen?"

"Wanda?" Sam looked at her, but she shook her head to show her innocence, just as confused as everyone else.

Percy turned back to Steve, sighing. "Look, my point is, I'm your best bet. If anyone can get that son of a bitch, it's me. Let me go with you, and if I get injured, I promise I won't go on any more missions unless you want me to until the whole team is confident I won't get hurt again."

It had started to rain outside by now, and Percy got up to close the window so none of the rain could get in. Steve, meanwhile, sighed.

"Fine, you can come," he said. Percy smiled at him.

"Thanks," he said. "Are we going right now?"

"No, we leave in an hour, get ready," Natasha stood up and walked out of the room, Steve and Tony also walked out, followed by Sam and Vision until it was just Wanda and Percy left.

Percy used the water in the air around him to bring the broken pieces of vase up and into the bin at the other side of the room, and, to his pleasant surprise, it wasn't draining for him to do so. Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"What even are your powers, anyway?" She asked, helping him with her telekinesis to get the last few pieces of glass into the bin.

"Hmm, let's see..." he said. "There's manipulation of water, which is what I'm doing right now, shapeshifting, immortality, teleportation, I can create hurricanes, tell when someone's lying and predict what every living thing's next move in a fight will be."

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