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"Perseus, I'm going to have to ask you to get Rogers to bring the team together," Thor said as they travelled- Thor by flying, Percy by manipulating water vapour. "Explain to them who you are and tell them I'll meet you all in Times Square."

Percy nodded. "I'm on it. What are you gonna do in the meantime?"

"Try to reason with my brother. Probably won't work, but I may as well give it a shot."

"You're absolutely right," Percy said as he and Thor landed just outside a Broadway Theatre. The Greek looked into the sky and saw a reptilian dragon-like creature wreaking havoc all over the city. Civilians were fleeing for their lives, and Percy turned to his friend. "You know what that is?"

"I think it's a chitauri," he squinted at the creature, and Percy rolled his eyes.

"A chi-what-what?" He cocked his head to the side.

"To put it simply, it's alien shapeshifter," the god of thunder said, as if explaining to a little kid. Percy, if he wasn't so tense, probably would've laughed and playfully punched him; but Percy wasn't in the mood for any humour or messing around. He needed to find the team, somehow convince them all he wasn't evil, and then they had to take down Loki.

The realisation dawned on Percy again that he would have to fight his lover. It wasn't the first time he'd thought about it, but it was the first time it really started to feel real. He snapped himself out of it. Loki needed him. He turned back to Thor. "I'm gonna find that team, okay? You go after Loki."

"Good luck, Perseus," he took to the skies again, and Percy uncapped Riptide before starting to run around the streets of New York looking for five different people, probably spread out all around the city.


He found Steve Rogers after a few minutes- he was fighting a Chitauri, and when the creature fell to the floor, dead, Percy made his move. He whispered into Rogers' ear, concealed by some mist.

"Go to Times Square," he whispered. Rogers turned around.

"Who said that?" He asked.

"Not important," Percy replied. "All will be revealed if and when you and the rest of your team- that's Romanoff, Stark and Barton- meet Thor in Times Square. Am I clear?"

Steve was still for a moment, thinking. Percy rolled his eyes and folded his arms, still invisible to the super soldier. He kept looking up at Stark Tower cautiously. Thor would've been fighting Loki by now. They had no time to lose. He looked back at Steve, who bit his lip.

"Fine," he sighed finally. Percy smirked.

"Good, Thor and I shall see you- Times Square, ten minutes."


Percy teleported to the middle of Times Square, letting his veil of mist fall. The team should be here any minute now. Where was Thor? And, more importantly, where was Loki? He looked to his right, and saw two Chitauri coming his way. He raised Riptide and came down on them, penetrating them right through with the sword. Blood spurted all over him, and just as they both fell to the ground, he heard approaching footsteps. He turned again to face Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton.

"Who are you?" Romanoff stepped forward, a hand on her gun. Percy smirked.

"You'll soon learn, Natasha Romanoff, that that thing has no effect on me," he pointed at the gun. "Secondly, my name is Perseus. I'm a friend of Thor's. He'll be meeting us in a few minutes- until then, we take down any Chitauri that come our way-"

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