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When Percy came to, he was in an unfamiliar room awfully similar to the one he had spent many nights in the first time he'd ever come to Asgard. Sleeping on the chair a few feet away was Loki, and, as the events of before he'd blacked out came back to him, Percy immediately knew he'd made a grave mistake.

What had he been thinking, just making Thor parade him into Asgard like this? Sure, he was dying, and, sure, Thor had been in shock, but, gods, couldn't he have just went to Apollo or someone who wasn't Loki? What if he had said no to healing him? He cursed himself and his stupidity silently, but couldn't help but stare at his ex-lover, who was drenched in Percy's blood and, even in the peacefulness of sleep, was tense.

For the first time, Percy realised how different Loki was. In his head, Loki had always been the carefree prince he'd met all those years ago on Asgard, who was shy, desperate to prove himself.

But Loki had been tortured by Thanos, just like Percy had. And, somehow, it hadn't properly hit him until now. Percy cursed himself again. Loki had been alone for almost three years, he should have been here for him instead of sulking in his own bedroom. At least Percy had Tony and the rest of the team to check on him; for the first time, Percy realised that Loki had no one. His mother was dead, his father was Norns-know-where, his brother thought he was dead, as did everyone else but Percy, who had refused to even think about him. Guilt rooted him to the spot. What had he been thinking, leaving Loki alone like that?

After a few minutes (or hours, Percy couldn't be sure,), Loki shifted in his seat and groaned before reaching to rub the sleep from his eyes. When he did, he opened his eyes tiredly and smiled a little. "You're awake."

"Yeah," Percy's voice was soft and raspy, as if he'd been screaming, and he felt a small flutter in his stomach upon seeing Loki.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, trying to shake off the grogginess that came from waking up. How long had Percy been awake, waiting for him to follow suit?

Percy shrugged. "Look, I, uh... I'm sorry for Thor and I just barging in here like this. I was injured, as you probably already figured out, and I wasn't thinking straight."

"No, honestly, it's fine," Loki said. "I don't mind."

"You shouldn't have to put up with me, I'm really sorry. I'll be going-" Percy was about to get up, but Loki cut him off.

"You can't leave. Not until I know you're completely healed," Loki said regrettably. He hated how awkward the air was with him and Percy in the same room. "I used an array of different techniques on you to keep you alive, and I don't know if they're all completely effective. Until the wound closes over, you're stuck here. I hate to admit it, but I'd really hate to see you die."

Percy closed his eyes and sighed through his nose. "Whatever." He opened one eye to look at Loki, who was looking back at him worriedly. "Thank you, by the way. For healing it."

"It's the least I can do," Loki said. "Don't worry about it."

"No," Percy opened both eyes and sat up again. "I want to make it up to you somehow, right now. I hate owing people things."

"You don't owe me anything," he replied.

"Yes, I do. You just saved my life," Percy argued, then caught himself on and sighed, breaking eye contact with Loki. "Look, anything you want, I'll do it. Just so we're even."

Loki thought about that for a moment. Anything he wanted? He considered asking Percy to tell the truth about his feelings for once but ruled that out. It was stupid. Then he grinned and looked at Percy, who felt another flutter in his stomach. "Once that wound of yours is fully healed, you have to spend a full day as Odin."

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