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Percy had stopped masking his emotions exactly three days ago.

There was no need to anymore- he was really, genuinely happy. Loki seemed to be getting better as well, the bags under his eyes were gone, and the colour was returning to his face. It still took a lot to get his friend to smile, but Percy was determined to get some sign of amusement out of him before leaving for Midgard.

It was November, three months since Percy had come back to Asgard, and two since he and Loki had become friends once again. The wound from Ultron was almost completely gone now, and, really, he should have been back on Midgard by now, but couldn't resist spending a few more weeks with Loki and catching up on what the last few years had brought them. Percy generally tried to stay positive, speaking about how he'd only gotten better. Loki told Percy about his royal duties as Odin, and how he had discovered writing poetry had made him feel better- although, he didn't tell Percy about the fact that nothing could fill the hole the Olympian had left in his heart almost three years before.

Their relationship was something that never came up. Sometimes one of them might bring up something that had happened while they were still together, and then the air would get tight and awkward until one of them hastily moved onto another subject. It was odd- both of them secretly wanted the exact same thing, yet refused to mention anything about it.

"I'll Iris Message you as soon as I can, okay?" Percy hugged Loki, sending a flutter through both of their stomachs, and he quickly pulled away. "Um, if I don't I.M you immediately, it's probably because Tony's giving me a lecture. He does that sometimes."

"That's alright," Loki said. "Remember, if anything changes with the wound, or you feel any strange symptoms, or just anything concerning, to I.M me as soon as possible. There's a possibility that..." he stopped himself.

"Possibility that what?" Percy pressed on, concerned.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Loki shook his head and smiled, patting Percy's shoulder awkwardly. "You should get going. The sooner Stark gives you that lecture, the better."

"Why? Are you looking forward to getting rid of me?" Percy dramatically put his hand to his chest in mock-hurt, and Loki laughed. He'd been doing that a lot more lately.

"You're impossible, you know that?"

"You know you love me," Percy grinned, mounting the horse who had been brought from the stable. It huffed as Percy got on- which, in horse language, was something that ought not to be repeated.

Yeah, Loki thought. I do. Just not in the way you're thinking. But, instead of voicing his inner monologue, he simply replied with: "sure I do," and smiled. "Now, remember, no missions until that wound is completely healed, are we clear on that?"

"Yep," Percy nodded, then smiled. "I'm glad we're on good terms again."

"Me too," Loki nodded, and, with that, Percy rode off towards the Bifrost Bridge.

As much as he didn't want to, Loki missed him already.


Tony was waiting for Percy once he pulled up his car at the new Avengers compound, and gave him a hug as soon as he got out of said car.

"I was so worried," he pulled away, taking Percy by the shoulders and getting a good look at him. Percy rolled up his linen t-shirt so Tony could see the wound, which was now slowly turning into a scar. Satisfied, Tony hugged him again. "Don't hurt yourself like that again, you hear me?"

"I'm sorry-" Percy began, but Tony cut him off.

"Nope. Don't wanna hear it. Not your fault," he shook his head, looking at him sternly. "Come on, Steve, Nat, Wanda, Vision and Sam are training over there," he gestured to a building a few feet away. It looked like a huge gym, "so we have about an hour before they come in and bombard you with questions. First, I want to fill you in on what happened with Sokovia."

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