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Perseus Jackson folded his arms, leaning back in his seat in the new and improved conference room located in S.W.O.R.D headquarters. It had been a year since Thor had passed away- leaving Percy as the last original Avenger left alive. 

Loki had died twenty-seven years earlier. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, Percy was truly, completely alone.

Upon Thor's death in battle, Abigail Brand, director of S.W.O.R.D, had reached out to him, asking him if he'd like to rejoin the Avengers full-time again, as she was now in charge of the team of enhanced individuals. Currently, the rest of the New Avengers were on a mission in a foreign country somewhere in Eastern Europe. Director Brand had restricted him from joining the team on said mission, explaining she had something bigger for Percy to do solo. 

She slid a file across the table, her green hair tied back in a high ponytail, green sunglasses obscuring her eyes. He opened it slowly to reveal a man in his mid-twenties with bright green eyes and midnight black hair. It was a mugshot, and the man seemed to be very proud to be there. "This is a terrorist by the name of Danhy Sane. He's been attacking random places at random times mostly in Northern Europe. I was wondering if you'd like to investigate, maybe figure out if there's a pattern, and eventually arrest him."

"You restricted me from joining the team from a world-ending threat to ask me to hunt down a petty terrorist?" Percy raised both of his eyebrows in sheer disbelief. He wasn't a child, he was a god. He should've at least been helping the team. 

"This terrorist is different..." Director Brand folded her arms. "He's been using magic that produces this sort of radiation. A level of which we've only seen twice before..." she lowered her sunglasses, green eyes trailing to Percy's left arm, which was still blackened from the power of the infinity stones that he had channelled a mere half-century before. 

"You're telling me this guy is producing enough radiation to be compared to all six infinity stones?"

Director Brand nodded gravely. Immediately, Percy stood up. 

"Well then, there's no time to lose. Where do we think he's striking next?" 


It only took a few days to track down Danhy Sane. 

It seemed that, when he used his abilities, the radiation he produced to murder innocents wasn't just restricted to the areas he hit. It seemed to take a toll on him, too, for the radiation would follow wherever he went. All it took was some cutting-edge radiation technology to find his place of living in West London. 

Percy closed his eyes, searching for a change in the water vapour to signal Sane's presence.

Sure enough, he seemed to be inside. Sitting still other than a slow rise and fall of his chest with each breath. At least, he hoped. It could very well be anyone else. 

He kicked the door open, taking hold of Sane's blood so he couldn't move and uncapping Riptide to point it at his neck. At the sight of the man's green eyes and black hair, Percy knew he had the right guy.

"Perseus Jackson, I presume?" Sane asked, a grin spreading across his cheeks. Who did he remind Percy of? "I've been waiting for you."

Percy felt a force push him backwards, slamming him into the wall. He lost focus, letting go of his grasp on Danhy's bloodstream. He felt a combat boot on his chest and opened his eyes to see that Danhy was staring down at him, wearing a green shirt, black trousers and a gold chain around his neck, Percy suddenly remembered a few words his deceased husband had told him many years before.

Life comes and goes, but a soul never disappears, not really. Not unless it's owner gives it away willingly. That is why I am not afraid of, nor dreading the day I die. And why you shouldn't dread it, either. My soul has always been here, and it always will be. When I die, I'll either go to Hel or Valhalla, the afterlives, or I'll choose to take on the shape of another body. I'll look different, act different, but I'll still be me.

Holy shit.

Danhy- or, he supposed, Loki- smirked, watching the pieces come together in Percy's head. "I missed you, my love." 


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