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"Percy, I know this is hard on you," Jason put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Loki... from what you've told me, he was a great guy... but if what you say is true, if he really said he wishes for war then it must be true-"

"No," Percy stood, walking to the window of the big house as the Head Councillors watched him. "Loki would never wish to declare war on Earth- not after what I've told him. Too risky. He's smarter than that."

Clarisse scoffed. "Oh, please, Percy," she rolled her eyes. "You haven't seen the dude in, what, a year? What if he hit his head or something when he supposedly 'commit suicide'? What if he went insane as he was falling through the cold, deep depths of the abyss, waiting for you to come and save him, when you didn't-"

"Clarisse, I'd advise you to be careful with your words. Percy is clearly in shock with this information," Chiron urged the daughter of Ares to be quiet. Percy, meanwhile, turned around to face the campers again.

"Loki would never start a war against us willingly; he knows what we're capable of," he wrote something down on the blackboard. "He-he has to be under someone or something's control. Loki is many things, but he's not unwise."

Nico looked at Percy worriedly. The demigod had never seen his friend look so tense. "Percy, I understand you love him, but if he really is trying to start a war, we need you to stop thinking about that. You have to put the task at hand before your own personal needs, especially when the task at hand is to save Earth as we know it."

The god of loyalty bit his lip uncertainly before walking to his seat and sitting down again, his leg bouncing up and down unconsciously as he thought. "Loki must have orders from someone to start this war," he muttered. "He's seen me spar. He knows how strong I am. He knows there are more people like me."

Percy stood again, walking back to the window, then sighed. "If Loki really does come to Earth, we'll be ready. We'll detain him," he looked at Leo. "Have the Hephaestus cabin build some sort of containment device, we can question him, find out what he plans to do with Earth, who he has orders from and then keep him there until he comes to his senses. Deal?"

"Percy, if it comes down to either Loki or Earth you're going to have to pick Earth- are you sure you want to be part of this war?" Piper asked worriedly at her friend. Percy hesitated, then he sighed.

"I'm fully prepared to make that sacrifice," he lied, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. "If it comes down to that, I'll pick Earth- I... I promise."


They didn't get any leads for over a month. Percy had been staying at Camp, meeting with Chiron and the head councillors of each cabin every day to devise plans. Hermes had been searching the entirety of Earth, which should've broken the laws of gods getting involved with mortal business, but Percy and Hermes made it work. When they finally got a lead, it was in Stuttgart, Germany.

Nico, Percy and Jason decided to take this one, see if they could bring him in without too much hassle. Backup included Clarisse, Piper, Katie, Malcolm and Hazel. They all dressed in fancy clothes, perfect for a German gala.

Percy teleported them all to Germany, having the backup stay away from the action in case Nico, Percy and Jason could bring Loki in quickly. Also, Percy did not wish to alert his lover.  

"Are you sure he's here?" Jason asked, looking around cautiously.

"Absolutely. Hermes said he was in this gala somewhere," Percy's eyes scanned the room, then went back to everyone else. "It's best if we split up, so if he comes in we can grab him from different angles. Nico, Jason, you come with me. Clarisse, Piper, Malcolm, you go over there. Julia, Hazel, you two take behind the stairs. Remember, Loki is a shapeshifter. Trust no one."

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