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Percy hated being a god, but he had to admit there were some good things about it.

For example, he could teleport now. Move from place to place within a second. It was great if he was late for anything important. There was also changing his appearance. He wasn't great at it yet, but he was able to change the way he looked, he could go from an old man to a baby in two seconds. There was also the new powers. He still had all of his powers from Poseidon, plus some new sick ones. He could foretell what everyone's next battle move would be in action movies, he could tell when someone was lying, he could summon riptides at the beach. It was nice, apart from the immortality.

He found his days peaceful. He didn't have to worry about monsters, blowing schools up, or anything he previously did when he was a demigod. Percy found himself strangely relaxed, not exactly knowing what to do with himself. That is, until he was at the beach one day.

He sat down on the sand, twirling his ballpoint pen around his fingers. The sound and smell of the sea comforted him, more so now because of his godliness.

The beach wasn't that crowded as it was winter, but Percy didn't mind. In fact, he preferred the emptiness. It gave him room to think.

"Perseus," a man sat beside him, and Percy saw it was his father. He hadn't changed apart from the fact he was wearing Patrick Star shorts. He glared at his father.

"Dad," he said. "What brings me the pleasure?"

Poseidon frowned. "I know it has only been seven weeks since we last spoke, but the gods are in dire need of your help once again."

Percy scoffed. "What else is new?"

"We wish to ally with the Norse gods," Poseidon explained. Percy's ears perked up. "A new threat is rising, and they would be valuable to us. They wish for an ambassador to come and negotiate with them."

"Why me?" The younger god asked.

"Because you are young, and not yet corrupted by immortality or power," his father said. "They wish for a younger god such as yourself. You are to befriend them, to convince them why they should ally with us."

Percy brought his knees to his chest, his eyebrows furrowed with thought. Why should he help the Olympians? They'd taken everything from him. His friends, Annabeth...

But they were family. And Percy did not want to fail his family. Reluctantly, he nodded slowly. "I understand."

"So, my son, will you do it?" Poseidon asked.

"Sure," Percy shrugged. "I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Not really," his father looked at his son pitifully. "Zeus threatens to hurt you and your family if you do not agree. He is desperate to side with the Norse."

Percy tapped his chin thoughtfully. "When do I leave?"


"Okay, okay, okay," Percy stuck out his hands as if to say stop talking. "Let me get this straight. You want me to go to this Asgard place, risk losing my mind, get to know the royal family thingy-majigy, and convince them to ally with you for this upcoming threat you've told me nothing about?"

"That's about it," Poseidon nodded.

"Well if I come back in a straitjacket, it was positively terrible to know you both!" The young god grinned. "How do I get there?"

"I will teleport you to just outside the throne room in Asgard," Zeus explained. "You will introduce yourself to Lord Odin, Lady Frigga and their sons. If I find out your manners fail us, I will not hesitate to punish you."

"Okay, so no disrespect for comedy value then?" Percy asked, then frowned. "That's my favourite part about interacting with gods!"

Zeus looked like he was about to smite Percy, but Poseidon gave the lord of the skies a calm-down look.

"You leave now," Percy's uncle said. "Mind your manners, Perseus."

"Okay, okay, whatever," he rolled his eyes. "Let's get this show on the road."


Percy stood before Lord Odin and Lady Frigga, trying not to laugh at how serious their guards were. They patrolled the door, making sure he had no way out.

"So... Zeus went over the whole terms of my stay here, right?" Percy asked. "The whole thing about me finding out what you want in an ally and telling that to the big guy so he can grant your wishes?"

"Yes," Lord Odin nodded. "You still have not introduced yourself."

"Oh, yeah," Percy grinned at his own forgetfulness. "My name is Perseus, god of riptides, battle technique and loyalty. I'm the youngest Greek god right now, and I'm here to request your allyship to the pantheon I come from."

"Thank you, Perseus," Lady Frigga smiled warmly. "We are pleased to welcome you here, aren't we Odin?"

"Yes," Odin nodded. "You'll be shown your room in a few minutes, so you can settle in before dinner."

"Thanks," Percy gave a small bow, which wasn't like him at all. About twenty minutes later, he stood at a window in a room that looked like it was a bigger, grander hotel room.

His thoughts drifted to Annabeth. It seemed she followed him everywhere she went. He could still feel her lemon-scented curls blanket his cheek when they lay together. He could still see her stormy grey eyes twinkling with secret amusement when he made a sarcastic comment. He'd give anything for her to call him a seaweed brain once last time.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a man knocking the door and letting himself in. A guard to escort him to the dining room.

There were two new young men at the table Percy had not seen before. One looked like an older Jason Grace, and the similarities made it hard for Percy to meet the blonde one's eyes. The other one Percy couldn't help staring at. He had piercing, green eyes that seemed to look right into Percy's soul. His jet black hair was combed back and he examined Percy before raising an eyebrow.

Percy looked away, not wanting to seem unprofessional. He didn't want to fail Zeus if it meant his family would be in danger. Life sucked like that. "Where may I sit, Lord Odin?" He asked after bowing.

"Wherever you please, so long as it is not the heads of the table or their right hands."

Percy thanked Odin then sat down beside the green-eyed one.


Word count: 1100.

Hhhhh this chapter took several attempts to write but WE HAVE POKI NOW SO IT'S COOL

This still has to be edited so there'll probably be some mistakes, don't hurt me please :(((

So yeah bye

-Megafetus :)

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