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A/N: Double update because I'm cool like that. Also, Percy will suffer from a panic attack in this chapter- it's based on my own experiences and therefore won't be accurate to everyone. If this is something that triggers you, you can skip it because I will be putting a TW at the start and end of it- please be kind to yourselves!

"Percy, I want you stationed by the Santa Maria Della Salute," Steve said. "It's Sunday, and there's a high chance Rumlow could target a Church. Wanda, I want you at the Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Frari, Natasha, take The Madonna dell'Orto. I'll take Calatrava Bridge, Sam can take St Mark's Square. We're working closely with the Venice Police Department, who'll have eyes everywhere. There's no chance we can lose him. If you see Rumlow, call for backup. If this mission is jeopardised, we will dedicate a full thirty-six hours or more straight training without breaks. Clear?"

"Yep," Percy put his earpiece in. "Will I teleport over there now and wait?"

"If you want, yeah," Natasha nodded. "That would be great. See you around, Percy."

"Bye," Percy smiled, teleporting outside the Santa Maria Della Salute. It was a sunny Sunday morning, and the Cathedral was right beside a body of water. Percy stood at the entrance, waiting for something to happen. Inside, there was a service going on, and Percy couldn't help but sigh. His mother had come from a Jewish family, but she herself was non-religious. Percy had been brought up agnostic until, of course, he found out his father was Poseidon, so he never really understood how so many people could mutter a few words with their hands pressed together, hoping it would bring them what they wanted.

In Percy's opinion, he was glad he'd been brought up without dependency on an all-powerful deity. Religion divided people, and, if there was one thing Percy hated, it was division.

Still, he couldn't help but respect the people who practised it. Devoting so much time to someone who had brought so much sorrow. If there was a singular God, Percy didn't think he'd be a fan. Regardless, he was fine with people practising religion, just as long as they didn't use it to make otherwise unjustifiable decisions or have harmful opinions.

People passed by the church, probably wondering why some dude was sitting on the front steps, fidgeting with a ballpoint pen. He was keeping an eye out for Rumlow, for Percy knew he could be here any second.

"See anything?" Percy asked into the comms.

"Nothing yet," Wanda replied. "I'll make sure to let you know when I do."

"Nothing for me, either," Sam said. "Still, there are a lot of people here. Seems like a likely target for Rumlow. I'll keep an eye out."

"I'm assuming nothing for Steve and Nat, either, then?" Percy asked.

"Nope," Natasha said. "But a lot of people."

"A lot of people everywhere," Steve added. "Still, no sign of Rumlow. I don't want to lose him, so remember to keep your guard up."

"'Kay," Percy took his hand away from his earpiece, returning to his fidgeting with Riptide. He had to keep it in pen form now since it was now forged with steel and therefore visible to humans as a normal, steel sword. They wouldn't see the celestial bronze, though.

It was about twenty minutes of boredom before Wanda spoke, quite panicked, through the comms: "he's here! He's got a woman at gunpoint!"

"Get the gun away from them!" Percy stood up. "Where are you, Wanda?"

"Right outside the Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Frari," she said through the comms, clearly breathless. "I can get the gun away from him, and some of his companions. I'll be fine, I'm just panicking, don't worry about it."

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